
Check out my newest addition to my kitchen!


Hero Member
A Tasty lookin' bit o' wood ...
^^^See what I did There?^^^


Oak / Black Walnut / Paduk / Ash(tiny center stringer.)

Wow! That's sharp! I'm envious! I worry about my knives all the time. For some reason, people don't seem to understand the importance of a good backup. My last roommate, I had to damn near threaten to slit her throat if she used my Japanese knives on a marble "cutting board" one more time. Couldn't figure out what the problem was - I had a big Maple Boosblock board sitting right there.

How thick is it?
3/4 in.

I too am quite pick as to what I put my knives on to, I have two Masamoto Virgin High Carbon( 9.75 in French, and a 5 in. petty) with Ebony handles, and all the stones to keep them.

I did a short stint in a Sushi restaurant.
Good knives are a wonderful thing. Most folks can't see the cost/benefit ratio until they take the plunge - then they're on a mission  :icon_biggrin: