
CBS Headstock

Would a large, proportionately sized CBS type headstock be available for basses?  There's probably not a market for them, as I've never seen one or a request for one.  Not to mention, it seems us bass players want less mass on that end of the neck.  Because it would be larger to be proportionate, would that fall under the license?

Well, the CBS headstock was something that Fender produced on Strats at one point, so Warmoth bases their headstock design on that.
However, Fender never did produce a CBS style headstock for bass models, so Warmoth really has nothing to go on. It would have to be a custom creation, and in order for it to be worth their while to design, it would have to be a big seller. I have never heard of anyone looking for a headstock like this in my life, so it would be hard to say whether it would sell or not.

Is there enough room on a paddle headstock to do this?
Do you need, like, something INTERESTING to think about or something? :dontknow: I'm going to whistle Chinese & eat cat-poop til Warmoth makes me a piano, etc.
stubhead said:
Do you need, like, something INTERESTING to think about or something? :dontknow: I'm going to whistle Chinese & eat cat-poop til Warmoth makes me a piano, etc.

Oh come on.  It wasn't that bad.  It is the "suggestion box."  It's not a far cry from something out of the ordinary, like asking for something so out there like a piano from them.  I mean crap, it's not like I'm asking for a shortscale 5-string fretless.  And to line6man, a paddlehead probably isn't big enough to make one.  A paddlehead, at first glance, doesn't look big enough to make a Ken Lawrence headstock or 12-string either.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the wood blank that a neck is cut from has to be as wide as the headstock all the way through, right?
If you need something wider than the paddle headstock, that would mean that unless you had an angled headstock, you would have to cut the whole neck blank pretty wide and end up with a ton of waste wood when you CNC it.
That would cost a lot of money to produce a neck that way because of all the wasted wood.
Well, this probably won't ever see production as a standard option.  But I was wondering if it was even possible.  In the end, it just a headstock shape and not a suggestion like a Warmoth 335, Warmoth acoustic, or a .......Warmoth piano that requires a different kind of construction than they offer.  They already cut headstocks.  This is just another headstock shape.  If it's bigger than a paddle head, so what.  They have headstocks that wouldn't fall in the footprint of a paddlehead.  Hell, the Iceman and Explorer bodies are bigger than the blanks.  As far as wasted wood, is that going to be the next area of the "green" snobbery?  If you play anything other than a square body, it wastes wood and you hate the planet.