Haha, a short story in reply
In February I was at a resort in Jamaica and jammed with one of the house reggae/rock bands.
The guitar I was given to play was a heavily modified red Strat (white pickguard), and when I say that I mean in true DIY. I never really fo time to inspect it,
but it seemed to have some kind of sawed-off Tele bridge (like hacksawed-off), and the saddles were sharp as razors, with heavier strings than I've ever used, (And I play .12's!) with other countless delights.
Anyway, the keyboard player, (who I knew from a previous visit) asked that we play some Hendrix, I say why not.
Halfway through "Hey Joe" my right index finger starts to feel numb, but I'm too dialed into the song to notice. Then, the numbness spreads to my other fingers. I take a look.
I have a super-deep slash along the length of my index finger, and the guitar is covered in blood. But we finish the song anyway.
After the set, I apologize abundantly to the guitarist, knowing that if anyone, let alone a stranger in today's world, bled cups all over my guitar, I'd have a royal sh*t-fit.
The guitarist smiles, says "Nan' worry!" and wipes his guitar off with the strap.
I bought the guy a drink.