
Can't look in her eyes / She's out of my league~

Quick update: I sanded off the slurry; I started off with the block-and-sander and quickly went back to the random orbital; hand sanding is just way too time-intensive and I'm not all that picky.  Orbital down to 220, then hand-sanded @ 400 and 600, swapping out the paper a few times to keep it fresh.  The TruOil instructions say to stop there, so I did, even though I have 1200 and 1600 grit or whatever.  Then another good rubbing with a tack cloth (actually a good tack cloth rub-down between each grit).

Then, again, I added some TruOil, this time a very conservative coat, just like the instructions say.  It dries much more quickly with this super-thin coating, so it helps to work it for a while to avoid streaks and such.

The filling strategy worked really well; it's still going to be an open-pore look, but in a very subtle, natural-looking way... as opposed to the more "varnish peeling off" look on the back of the body.  I'll take some photos after the next coat dries, it looks a whole lot better than the back.  This has been a lot of fun.
Looking good mang...I did the same thing with 3 danish oil finishes, one mahogany, one walnut, and one black korina.Worked awesome all three times, they all feel silky smooth... :icon_biggrin:

Front with TruOil; this was done a couple months ago.


Here you can see the difference between the original finish (on the side of the body) with the TruOil.

Right now Mike Lull in Seattle is working on the millwork of positioning, routing and mounting the two pickups, mounting the bridge and cutting a custom pickguard.  Should be finished in a couple days... stay tuned...