
Can Warmoth Rout a Tele shape heel on a strat from the showcase?


Junior Member
Title says it all... I have a strat body I am buying. I hope they can alter e heel to be a tele shape.

Can they? Up charge is fine...

Also, can they make a custom strat guard with a tele heel?ci have a kickass tele neck I want to use on a new strat body (I ordered the candy yellow from the showcase).
grabby said:
Title says it all... I have a strat body I am buying. I hope they can alter e heel to be a tele shape.

Can they? Up charge is fine...

Also, can they make a custom strat guard with a tele heel?ci have a kickass tele neck I want to use on a new strat body (I ordered the candy yellow from the showcase).

The best way to find out whether something like this can be done is to call.  Others here may or may not have experience or information on this point, but the fastest way to get answers on availability of nonstandard features is to pick up the phone - or email sales@warmoth.com if you live someplace where calling is impracticable.



I believe they can, but would be US$45 - fee for hand work and it would be a no return body... so be sure of it before try. But as Bagman said, to be 100% just asking them.
Thanks guys. I sent them an email yesterday - but am flying from Newark to Singapore tonight (18:30 in the air straight, over the north pole) and I already ordered the body, so I might not be able to call them until late in the day on Monday.

I'll be in Singapore, Korea, and Japan for the next week. W00t!
What did you find out?  Purely guessing, I'd say no because they tend not to do neck pocket mods post production.  No 720 mod or contoured heel once it leaves the CNC table.
Needs a Turbo Deluxe Floyd said:
I'd say no because they tend not to do neck pocket mods post production.  No 720 mod or contoured heel once it leaves the CNC table.
+1 Correct  :icon_thumright:
I once tried to get a Contoured heel done on a un-finished Showcase Strat body before getting the finish put on.

The answer to that was NO, as stated above, something about the CNC machine can't do that afterwards.
So I believe the same will apply, to what the thread title is asking. 
you both get a gold star. answer was no - but that's fine... i needed to order one custom to my specs anyway.  :headbang1: