Calling it a "tele" almost seems wrong...

deajo said:
I can't remember your VIP though. 

This is one of them, with clear nitro over stained Black Limba and an Ebony over Bloodwood neck...


The other doesn't have a finish on it yet. It's one of the old PRS-style versions from the '90s that you don't see any more. I just started dying it when the weather started changing last year, so it'll be one of this summer's projects.
Death by Uberschall said:
Trust me, nothing wrong with a "twangless" Tele.  :headbang1:

DBU, it was one of your builds a while back (blue or burn unit) that first impressed me with a clean uncluttered fretboard...i might as well give credit where it's due...
I was initially worried about no inlays too, but honestly I never missed them. Just think of em as training wheels.
deajo said:
Death by Uberschall said:
Trust me, nothing wrong with a "twangless" Tele.  :headbang1:

DBU, it was one of your builds a while back (blue or burn unit) that first impressed me with a clean uncluttered fretboard...i might as well give credit where it's due...

I love a fret board with no markers.

I was probably like most and afraid to go without inlays because I thought, "how could I play without them?" Then I bought my Gibson Les Paul Gothic with just a marker at the 12th fret and realized when I'm playing I really can't see them for the most part anyway and just follow the side markers and note recognition as I play.
First fretboard without markers I ever had - a Parker fly of some kind - I didn't notice they weren't there for two weeks after I bought it. Someone else pointed it out to me.
The black dots on my bloodwood fretboard are only visible in good lighting.  The side dots are really what I'm looking at anyhow.
This is all very comforting to hear, it makes sense when your standing down looking at the guitar, but for some reason I always associated the dots with placement, some food for thought on my next neck.....always thought a 24fret Soloist, Black Ebony fretboard with no dots would look way cool.....reverse Jackson headstock of course...
swarfrat said:
I was initially worried about no inlays too, but honestly I never missed them. Just think of em as training wheels.

just think about will have better posture when you play as well.  no hunching over the guitar to see the front of the fretboard.

training wheels...classic line swarfrat!
AutoBat said:
The black dots on my bloodwood fretboard are only visible in good lighting.  The side dots are really what I'm looking at anyhow.

i probably think about this stuff too much.  i would get black fretboard markers with a black guitar like the one in your signature...that looks trick...

white dots with a white pickgaurd, cream with cream...but what goes with a tobacco burst with no other plastic bits on it?

I would be neat if warmoth could make fretboard markers with another typle of complimentary wood.  I could see getting maple fret markers on an ebony fretboard, or ebony on a maple fretboard.  i think that would look great.  I have also been interested in the gecko necks with the lizard on them.  you never see anything like that on a guitar.  Why?
lucky13 said:
This is all very comforting to hear, it makes sense when your standing down looking at the guitar, but for some reason I always associated the dots with placement, some food for thought on my next neck.....always thought a 24fret Soloist, Black Ebony fretboard with no dots would look way cool.....reverse Jackson headstock of course...

you had me drooling up untill the reverse jackson

i always liked the really simple soloists...bright white, one knob, black hardware...that's the one i see in my head...

damnit, now i have to head to the showcase...

i am a child of the eighties, and pointy headstocks rule... :headbang1:
I'll third it.

I've never understood the draw of the reverse headstock. To me, it seems unnatural and counter-intuitive. But, I'm used to the other way, which I suppose seems unnatural and counter-intuitive to the brain damaged players out there <grin>
My theory is that  reverse headstocks were spawned by right handed hendrix devotees, and somewhere along the way, we forgot why.