
Bowling Ball Finish


Hero Member
Does anyone know the proper way to do a bowling ball finish like the Tom Anderson shown below?


You spray the base coat, let it set then you spray the contrasting coat. While it is still wet you cover the surface with plastic wrap. Wrinkle and manipulate the plastic to achieve the desired effect. Once you are satisfied with the results clearcoat it sand and buff. This can be done with regular paints but after this technique gained in popularity House Of Kolor has developed specific products for this called Marbelizers. You can repeat the plastic wrap step with another color to create different effects. You can use silvers and golds and the apply candy over the top of that. You can also use other materials besides plastic wrap. I've heard of paper towels, shop rags, aluminum foil. I have done this on a car. Only once but Tonar did a tele for Mayfly that came out pretty sexy.
Thanks pabloman!!! I've never seen this kind of finish before & I really like the retro 80s look to it. It would look great on a soloist.
[Use a brush-on stain for the top color. It won't dry as fast, will give you more "working time" to manipulate your plastic wrap, and the transparency will give you a deeper look.