
Boston drummer Sib Hashian goes down swinging


Epic Member
Died onstage playing with Boston:


Age 67.  That's too young by far.
You have to appreciate that he went out doing what he loved.

The only rock 'n roller who I can think of that beats that is the way John Entwistle went out.  He went out on top, screwing a hooker in a Las Vegas hotel room with massive amounts of blow.  At least I assume he went out on top.

It looks like its shaping up to be another bad year for rock 'n roll.
That's a real shame. Back when I was first learning guitar, my old jamming buddy and I would jam to Boston for hours. Definitely too young. Rest in peace, Sib. Thanks for the rock and roll!
That band was influential in my personal development as an aspiring musician.  Agreed - way too young!  You cats need to really take care of yourselves out there.  Too many of us falling by the wayside.  Don't neglect routine physicals/blood work and warning signs your bodies are giving you!  Pretending something isn't there doesn't cause it to go away! 
Another one of the greats. Thanks for the link. Like Dwight said, he went out doing what he loved. Can't do too much better than that when the time comes.
One of my gigs is a Boston tribute band.


We are playing the Tulalip Casino next Friday, and I'm sure we will be acknowledging this loss.

He "went down swinging" is a great way to put it. We'll be stealing that.