Bogner Goldfinger


Hero Member

That thing blew me away. Pretty much around the perfect tone I want.

Hope it won't be too expensive when it's released :(.

What do you guys think of that amp?
Just a warning, don't trust youtube clips.

But then again, i've not really heard anything bad that would deter me from buying one, even though I can't.  :laughing7:
One thing to keep in mind though,is with these Bogners,what ends up being in a store,that u can purchase may end up being a disappointment.
Tried out one of the new Alchemist heads recently and was like,ugh-you've GOT to be kidding me.
Ran nearly a dozen different makes/models of guitars through it,and played it through it's own cabs,some Marshall 4 x12s, Boogie 4x12s, etc..just couldnt get the thing to sound very decent at all. Which surprised me,after hearing Jerry Cantrell's new rig. Figured,maybe it was just a dud head,so tried another-same thing..bleh.
Also, the build quality was a bit lacking,considering the price of those things. The whole thing felt cheap,plasticky. The knobs were very chintzy plastic bits that felt like they would come off or wear out very quickly.The switches felt very fragile. Literally felt like some Chinese-built toy. I'd be concerned about road-worthiness if you plan on any gigging.
Tone-wise,very dark and muddy/muffled sounding,and no where near the gain you;d expect.I wouldnt even bother wih a pedal in front it,because it would just make things worse,I think.
It sounded literally,identical to Peavey Valveking that was also in the room...
Don't confuse the Line6 or Alchemist series stuff to the Bogner Custom shop amps, they are totally different. And I agree, YouTube clips don't do well in translating the feel of an amp. Hell, the mic was never even pointed at a speaker which can alter the sound in this case.

Bogner's true tube amps don't disappoint. You just need to audition them to find the one that fits you the best. I'm always gassing for a Ecstasy head, one day I'll have one.
Tried one of those XTC's the same time/place, Wasnt the least bit impressed with that one either...after all the hype Ive heard of them,and clips,etc, was expecting so much more. But...nope.
Nah,I dont. But from what I had heard from those amps,gave me a general Idea-or so I thought-of some tones I could have derived from it.Not other's tones,but my own.
Im guessing Im just used to "my" sound,to which Im accustomed to getting through my own rig. Ive tried to see if other rigs out there can re-create that sound,but havent found any that do so.
I've been using ,basically, the same rig for over 20 yrs,unlike a lot of folks who change up a lot,etc. I sort of lucked out and found "my sound" long ago,and have been happy and comfy with it. So, I tend to get a bit dissappointed or annoyed when Im unable to pull that sound out of other set-ups.

Problem is,as this old head gets even older,Im more reluctant to take it out and about.I'd like to find an identical spare to back it up,or use for road/outside use,but finding some in the same condition,or not modified by some hack that calls himself a "tech" just because he has a soldering iron,is increasingly difficult.
More modern amps by the same maker are great,but not the same either...
So, I experiment around with other rigs,to see if something can back this up and replicate the tones Im used to. 20+ yrs,and I havent come close to finding it...
I fail to see how a Bogner would be lacking when you just described that you have already found the amp you like.  Bogner obviously has a market, and quite a number of people like the amps.  He has carved a niche out for himself with a Bogner sound.  Few amp companies get their names used as an adjective.  I tend to like the sound of Bogners, a lot.  The other thing is there is no mention of what amp you like.  It makes it rather difficult to see where you are coming from with respect to the Goldfinger amp that was being shown off.  For something with reverb, the various different levels of gain, and in a head or combo, sign me up.  To head the inevitable off at the pass, I do believe that there is a lot of tone to be found in high gain, and life does exist beyond a Plexi head.  But back to the point, the Bogner custom shop amps are very nice.  When you get to that price range, you should probably kick the thing around, err, a note or two out of it, before buying it.  You are correct in that if you don't try them first it might be a disappointment.  But it seems rather odd to start a negative conversation about an amp that hasn't been released from a shop that makes notable gear.

I wasnt commenting on the future amp-except to say that what we hear of some these before they come out,and what ends up being available once it is out-may be quiet different from what we expect.
Bogner are some great amps,and he's a great designer-im not knocking him a bit.
I ' ve used old Laney heads (AORs) for ages,have gotten used to their sound (,or rather the sound I get from them.) But they are now hard to come by in decent condition,or in anything close to stock condition. As such, I've been keeping an open mind towards a spare/and/or road amp,rather than take my old workhorse out and risk anything happening to it.
The newer Bogner and the XTC,I thought, may be close enough to my sound,to give them a shot. They werent. Not even in the ballpark.
I tried a number of guitars through them,and tried them through a variety of cabs-no dice.
For others,they may work just fine for their sound,but for me-it just doesnt cut it. Not bad,just different,and not what I was looking for.
To my ear, they sounded rather dull,and muffled,compared to what Im used to and looking for.
And, the build quality on the new one was less than stellar. Sure,maybe a "custom shop" head may differ-dont know.But lacking Jerry Cantrell's budget,I doubt Ill find out eh>?
and he's playing a Haar-strat :D a dutch 'luthier' :p funny to see Haar guitars across 'the pond' :p

but the amp: nice, nice idea, nice tone, but more gain, and I'd love to see a 'tight' switch for a tighter low end (foot switchable?) and if its really out, I'll be hardpressed NOT to buy it.