
Body blank question


Junior Member
I was wondering if Warmoth will put a laminate top on one of  their body blanks ? I didn't see it offered on the website and wondered if anyone has ordered a body blank with a top.

BTW, I will be finishing my swamp ash WGD this week and hope to post some pictures by the weekend ( and yes, I know it doesn't exist without pics !! ).
  I guess I can pick up the phone when they open and ask. It's not a bad thing but both times I've called Warmoth, I ended up waiting for the UPS truck to show up.
I don't know where you live, but there's an interactive map here that'll show you where there are Woodcraft stores in the US. They primarily sell woodworking tools and supplies, but they also cater to the hobbyist crowd with exotic woods ranging from small turning pieces to full planks of all sorts of interesting stuff. That's nifty enough, but they also generally have tools set up to make customer cuts and give classes with, so if you find a chunk of quilted maple, padauk or cocobolo that speaks to you, you can have them resaw it, face it, mill it, etc. for surprisingly reasonable fees.

If you're not near one of those, don't stop looking. Many woodworker supply shops and lumber mills will do similar things. What might cost you $180 from Stew-Mac can often be had for $40 at the proper outlet.
Thanks alot for the info. Rockville,MD seems like the closest to me. I really want to shape my own body without having to do the routs myself since I no longer have access to a woodshop at work anymore. I don't post very often but I do get to absorb all the incredible information and tips that are on this forum. Thanks again,Mark
Well, when I said they'd do cuts and milling and so forth, I was talking mainly about dimensioning stock. I don't think they'll do fancy routs for you, although you can always ask. But, even if the store won't do it, it's quite likely several of the people who work there will have a shop, or at least know someone who does and they can hook you up. The whole trick, really, is to get away from the music business people. They have a tendency to mark things way up.
Cagey said:
I don't know where you live, but there's an interactive map here that'll show you where there are Woodcraft stores in the US. They primarily sell woodworking tools and supplies, but they also cater to the hobbyist crowd with exotic woods ranging from small turning pieces to full planks of all sorts of interesting stuff. That's nifty enough, but they also generally have tools set up to make customer cuts and give classes with, so if you find a chunk of quilted maple, padauk or cocobolo that speaks to you, you can have them resaw it, face it, mill it, etc. for surprisingly reasonable fees.

If you're not near one of those, don't stop looking. Many woodworker supply shops and lumber mills will do similar things. What might cost you $180 from Stew-Mac can often be had for $40 at the proper outlet.

oh my god, that is such a great idea.

now I need to talk the wife into lettme build another guitar, only much more hard core this time.
Here's how you do it. Don't try talking her into letting you build another guitar. Talk her into letting you buy a big, fluffy 14" bandsaw. They're cheaper than a guitar, and you can build hundreds of guitars on them.


$500-$600, in the box, out the door

Everything else you can nickel/dime into the house over time. Drill presses aren't expensive, sanders, routers, etc. If you stick to the good stuff, used is often as good as new but a LOT cheaper. Anyway, you tell her you're going to build some stuff for her and/or the house. Of course, you'll sneak some guitars in there, but it won't be painful. A chunk of wood for $30 here, another chunk for $20 there, a fantastic piece of something at $40. No time at all, you'll be sporting a custom-custom that you did yourself. From raw tree parts!

Of course, you will have to build her some things. But, that's ok. It'll give you excuses to take classes at the Woodcraft store, where they often give them away if you buy a tool. Plus, you also often get access to a lot of their other tools while you're in class. Lastly, you'll probably enjoy doing it and get to enjoy what you build on top of that.

But, practical. Keep it practical. It's not for building guitars, don't even bring that up. It's so you can save money and improve the quality of life in your home. And above all, you're doing it for her! <grin>
i've had my eye on a bandsaw for a while. really the big piece missing. I have a lot of the smaller tools.

she did ask me to build her a guitar last night.

no wait, I was dreaming
  I love the idea of a bandsaw but trying to tell my wife I would save money or that I bought it to build her things would NEVER work. You see, we have been married for 28 years and she's heard every kind of BS from me there is when I'm trying to explain why I need a new guitar, golf clubs,pistol etc. Best bet for me would be to do what I usually do. Buy it, set it up, use it and IF she asks about it I just tell her the same thing she tells me when I ask about her shoes and dresses.... "Why, I've had this for years".
Hehe! Yeah, but a pair of shoes are a lot easier to overlook than a 6' tall piece of machinery, so they don't count as much even though they cost more.
this reminded me of my grandfather..... Every tiime he would buy something he would tell my grandmother he won the daily number lottery!!  He would go buy a lottery ticket to make it more convincing to her.  He also once confessed to my dad that he had money hidden that she didn't know about, so he would tell her he hit the lottery the night before or something like that.  Hey it worked for over 50 years for him!!!
jwl68th said:
Thanks alot for the info. Rockville,MD seems like the closest to me.

what?! you're the 3rd or 4th MoCo (or at least MD/DC area) person i've seen on these boards... we warmoth players really are everywhere... :icon_biggrin:

sorry for the completely off topic post, but i'm surprised any time i see somebody on forums from my area