
Blender mod and Armstrong mod hsh?

Archie Macfarlane

Junior Member
Hey, would it be possible to have a hsh wiring setup that has the roll in blender mod

( bridge pickup on the neck, neck pickup on the bridge all three for 2 and 4)

As well as the dan Armstrong mod where the bridge becomes bridge and middle in series etc read about the dan Armstrong mod

Would these two blender mods interact and not work correctly? And would coil splits make it impossible?
Or just a challenge

I am aware of that switch and it's capabilities, some people have mentioned durability on the net tho, plus even though it can do a lot it's not capable of doing everything, it just seems more plug and play to have it done with tried and true methods,

Plus if you have a blender mod you are enabled Les Paul type tones because you can blend in a bit of the neck with the bridge ala Les Paul middle with the neck turned down and vice versa

But definitely an option the freeway

If you want to use a blender of two types and coil splits etc, you need to focus on which of those options, you want. It is not always possible to mix and match all mods.
You could use a switch to change between blender and Armstrong modes, is that what you’re looking for?

Ignoring what the mods are called, can you tell me specifically how the controls will work in your vision?