
Black Flame Seaweed LP


Junior Member
Hey guys im new here,
My names Alex and i wanna share the LP that i put together a few years ago before i left for india for med school. Its crazy but even through the extreme weather here the guitar has still managed to play the same.

Mahogany body maple top
Birdseye neck with ebony board
EMG electronics
EMG 81 85
shaller strap locks
Kepur straps (best IMHO)

i know theres a lotta people who arent fond of EMG and i mean im not crazy about they're cleans but i mean the EXG solves that problem and then some.
the AB, afterburner, is a cool little thing where i can dial in extra distortion if need be or if my guitar needs a boost.

i use 12;s for D standard drop C tuning

i still play live but mostly for fun,
check that site out to get a rough feel of what this baby can do. There's no real effects just the guitar direct into the Korg D1200 porta studio with onboard distortion. and some light chorus for the cleans, the rest is the EXG in action for the cleans

Im lookin to make a 7 string with the famous Bareknuckle pickups next year and based on the websites audio i'll need some help pickin out some pups for that baby. but now the pictures...

for some reason this forum's not letting me upload pictures but im gonna try linking them...





Comments welcomed!!!
me too, i love the LP's thick sound and with the tight low end, drop tunings dont bottom out and retain they're power. its just incredible.
well originally i had passives for pickups. Lace's Drop and Gain, my guitar tech turned me on to Lace pickups when he gave me a set of Chrome domes for my strat. and man those are amazing pickups. but i told him i wanted something for heavy music just cause it would make for a powerful les paul. Thing is the pickups are good but i felt that something was missing, perhaps they would be good in a completely solid body. but i wanted that chunk 'n chug when i palm muted and all so i went back to EMG's Zakk wylde combo. I was gonna order white but because i love the way it looks with the white binding but i got a killer deal with a set my friend was trying to get rid of. so i had to make a choice and so i went with the black. This has to be my favorite guitar to play because it can pretty much handle anything, any tuning and whatever weather conditions are there. i mean i live in california near the beach but left to india to do med school so i mean i take it back and forth from those two enviroments and it holds its own 4.5 years since it was put together.

i've been dying to try BareKnuckles cause i've heard only good things. im plannin on making a seven string just cause i have the itch to put one together. and i want something where i can play around with tones just for fun so im talkin coil split  etc etc... any suggestions? i like the 81 85 combo but the cleans are only good with the EXG turned on so i'd like something that can do what they do plus a good clean sound. Any help is great!

heres some pictures of the guitar in action and the strat with the chrome domes (its me in the grey and black shirt)



Here's another of the strat being played at our last show, my buddy in the hat is playin it and im singing.

I always liked that guitar when I saw it in the gallery. Oh and extra cookies to you for live pictures!
So what do you guys thing about my last inquiry about the Bareknuckles equivalent to the EMG 81/85 only with better cleans? i would normally stay with EMG but i wanna try BKP because of all the rave.
Here is my Warmoth LP.  It has a BKP Miracle Man in the Bridge and a Mule in the Neck.  The Miracle Man is great, very similar to the EMG 81 with just a touch more colour to it.


you got any sound clips? i heard things about the MM being awesome with distortion but lacks tremendously on the clean department. i wanna go for something a bit more versatile. How are the Cold Sweat alnico versions? do they do what i want or something in that ballpark....im also entertaining a PRS tremonti bridge and PRS dragon II for a 6 string tele if possible cause the prices in the showcase are awesome.
You could always just email the BKP main man (Tim I think?), tell him where you are now and what kind of sound you're looking for and see what he suggests. I have only heard very good things about the BKP customer service.
yea i suppose i could but i wanna hear  an AB comparison. like if they used one setup with the same amp and guitar and same settings, and then played each pickup in different styles and recorded it as samples...it would be a LOT of work but i feel it would also help those who are still wondering ya kno? cause these arent exactly cheap... not to mention the increase in sales i mean with that kind of feature i'd be able to make a decision.
actually what i just did last night was i swapped both pickups. so my 85 is now my bridge pickup and my 81 is the neck...this actually gives me just what i wanted... it was a random idea and i went for it. thanks to the quick connect system it was easy as cake. the 85 in the neck was just waaaay to muddy and bassy, wheras the 81 in the bridge was lacking in serious bass, it was a tight sound but lacked balls. so when i swapped them it solved all my problems at once. the 81 tightened up the neck sound and theres no muddiness yet its not at all harsh. and the 85 was surprisingly tight and solved the lack of bass problem i was plagued with. If anyone has this combo and has had the same problem try this out im pretty sure you'll be happy.
I never could remember which is which of the 81 & 85, but I know there are several on this forum who have done that switch too and been very happy :)
Sweet LP!
And yeah, +1 on the 85 as a bridge pup.
Once I "switched" from the neck to the bridge, I've never thought about putting the 85 back in the neck!
kboman said:
I never could remember which is which of the 81 & 85, but I know there are several on this forum who have done that switch too and been very happy :)

The 81 has a silver logo. The 85 has a gold logo. His description is pretty right on, especially the "surprisingly tight" part.
now heres a question, i do like the 85 in the bridge and since im happy with that i was thinking about trying out the 89 when i go home in december maybe putting it in the neck position instead of the 81. anyone got an opinion?
If you do, consider the 89R.  It's the same pickup but the coil used when split is the coil on the non-logo side.  If used in the neck, it puts the coil closest to neck like.  It's similar to the EMG-SA (Strat) pickup.  I've used an 89 and 89R in the same guitar with positive results.
