
black finish with tru oil

Just about anything water-, oil- or alcohol based. Just make sure it's completely dried before you put the first coat of Tru-Oil on.
Just keep in mind that getting a true black will probably require you to apply a lot of dye or stain and that will take some time to dry.
okay, would you use reranch or stew mac, i want a deep black, so i dont kno which would give a better effect, stain or dye?
What is the body wood? Are you grain filling?

Get some of this: http://www.woodcraft.com/Product/2005522/16586/Black---01--20-ml.aspx

Mix with lacquer thinner to apply. This should get you to black quicker than using water/alcohol based dyes.

It would help if you let us know what body wood and other details, some types of wood lend themselves to dying better than others.
Ooh! this thread tittle gave me an idea, i could just go try it , but I'll ask first, can you mix some dye with pure tung oil and apply that?

Doesn't that sound awesome?  I'm gonna mix some red with some tung oil and apply on some scrap wood, maybe try some powdered graphite in another test, I know =CB= is laughing his ass off , hey, I'm offwork, I got lots of time to screw up some scrap wood

Graphite if it mixed with tung oil would probably make your hand black forever, ok dumb idea, I'll try dyes anyway.
Well, the neck I'm currently working on... I used some Ebony stain diluted quite a lot to give a 'worn through dirty' effect to the back of a neck, then combined a 'golden yellow' pigment with a 'mahogany' stain, both added directly to a linseed oil finish. They combined to perfection, but it's not somethig predictable, you need to experiment. A lot.