
Bill Lawrence Pickups Now Avaliable Through Lace


Junior Member
I've just heard word on the Wilde pickups forum that you can now order Bills pickups through lace.  All the same models at the same price.  You'll need to phone, fax or email Lace to order.  :rock-on:
Whew, good to know we can still get 'em.

Hope Bill's doin ok, though. I heard he's...having bad health issues.  :sad:
He has cancer of some sort.  People on the Wilde Pickups Forum who have spoken to him recently say hes feeling better then ever and is expected to recover, so it sounds like Bill wont be leaving us just yet.  Apparently this deal with lace isnt exactly a merger, Bills pickups are being manufactured at the Lace factory but the business is still being controlled by Bill and Becky.  I know alot of people were worried about price changes and other things but it seems as if everything will continue as normal.
Oh boy, I hope the prices don't go up. 
they made high quality pups affordable.
Are they the real deal?  The confusing thing about Bill Lawrence pickups is it is a company name that he isn't associated with anymore, then there's the Bill (and Becky) Lawrence that are still making and selling pickups.  Which one is it?  Bill Lawrence or Bill Lawrence?  It's almost as confusing as Ray's, Famous Ray's, and Original Famous Ray's.
Yeah, it's really Bill. He and the Lace people have a mutual admiration going, as they are some of the few people who are doing something new with string signal transmission instead of rewinding the vintage thing and overwound vintage thing over and over. I still haven't been able to get any kind of ANSWER about some things I want to buy, from either Lace or the Lawrence e-mail. But I'll just have to be strong and survive, somehow... :laughing3: Vintage tone:
