
Behlen Master Gel

Update of my experience: Master-Gel VS Minwax:

Well my maple neck needed a touch up after 2 yrs. and I checked for more info. before getting into it last night and ran across this thread.
I did one coat of Master-Gel last night at about 12:00 AM.

Yea ... it's not real forgiving when putting it on. You just gotta hit it quick and not go back over it or it get's to be really gummy.

This afternoon 4:30 PM ... I had a look and the coverage wasn't complete. I could see some spots that were a bit thin.

So, I had a can of Minwax Satin wipe on poly here from finishing a new door in the house and thought I'd give that a try, and I concur with "watchie"s experience.

The Minwax is easier to apply, more forgiving. It gives me a little more time (just a little) to move it around before it starts telling me "stop it ... I'm getting tacky".

It's a thinner finish. Coverage looks more consistent 5 minutes after application.
Hopefully it will last atleast as long as the Master-Gel does and will also be cleanable with a damp rag.

We'll see.

Update Nearly 1 yr. Later:

Still very solid. Feels great. Easy to clean - just wipe with damp rag.
Minwax satin poly is great.