My opinion here is more a general one, than one about your potential Ibanez purchase.
I have never encountered an Ibanez guitar or bass that was not at least serviceable in terms of construction and finish. Some of the electronics are not stellar, but everything pretty much works the way you would expect it to work - which is pretty awesome, really. I can't wrap my head around a $2500 Jem guitar, but my first electric was a really decent Ibanez Roadstar that I picked up for $325 and continue to regret having let go of. I am a HUGE fan of inexpensive guitars. My main electric axe now is a Peavey Predator (strat copy) with a drop-in loaded pickguard from Carvin, so you can see where I'm coming from.
So if you go with the Ibanez, my guess is you'll find it adequate, if not stellar. And for most of us guitarists who like to noodle around on bass sometimes, adequate is probably still more than we can make use of.