
Beginner bass


Hero Member
I've been looking around for a cheap bass to noodle around on. I had my heart set on some kind of P-bass (love that growl), probably a Squier Classic Vibe or Vintage Modified, but I stumbled across an Ibanez Jet King bass the other day and thought it was really cool:


Any thoughts?
My opinion here is more a general one, than one about your potential Ibanez purchase.

I have never encountered an Ibanez guitar or bass that was not at least serviceable in terms of construction and finish.  Some of the electronics are not stellar, but everything pretty much works the way you would expect it to work - which is pretty awesome, really.  I can't wrap my head around a $2500 Jem guitar, but my first electric was a really decent Ibanez Roadstar that I picked up for $325 and continue to regret having let go of.  I am a HUGE fan of inexpensive guitars.  My main electric axe now is a Peavey Predator (strat copy) with a drop-in loaded pickguard from Carvin, so you can see where I'm coming from.

So if you go with the Ibanez, my guess is you'll find it adequate, if not stellar.  And for most of us guitarists who like to noodle around on bass sometimes, adequate is probably still more than we can make use of.
What I always say is, if you get a P or J style, aside from being the "standard" for electric bass sounds (and always fitting good in the mix), you can generally upgrade it piece by piece.

But that Ibanez is kind of funky and cool though...
abandon_blink said:
Oh hey! i have one of those  :icon_smile:

that one's missin' some strings tho  :icon_jokercolor:

Haha! I know. I'm normally a guitar player, so I'm not sure what I'd do with only four strings...  :laughing7:

How do you like the six-string version? 
i like it alot actually! it sounds great. its a little heavy for my tastes tho.

other than the weight its fabulous. its incredibly versitile (both pups are tapped) its almost like a much simpler jazzmaster that makes sense (in terms of switching and such)
As a long time bassist.... Not converted guitarist.... :icon_biggrin:
I would suggest your local pawn shop.... I once grabbed a BRAND NEW P-bass
for 200 bucks... With gig bag!!!!
It might take a minute to look around... But if you're not lookin' for anything nutty (=$$$$),
that might be a good way to go..... :occasion14:
Get a 32" warmoth PJ bass and post copious pics for all of us to drool over - don't listen these cheapskates!  :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin:
J Bass FTW. Always prefered them, and after I finish my next build (which is top secret, currently), I'm gonna start a J bass build. My current bass is gonna be lit on fire hopefully next July 4th. Bitch's gonna burn!
ErogenousJones said:

Any thoughts?

If you insist on the wierd/retro stuff, check out the Chinese and Korean Eastwood stuff.  The only bad (or good) parts are that most are 30" scale and have guitar sized bass pickups.

Thanks for all the advice. I'm still not sure what to do. I like the pawnshop P idea, but sadly there are no real pawnshops in town. Only weird chain stores that try and sell Squier Bullet Strats for $300. The cheapest P I saw was around $1500. I have been scouring the internet for deals on used stuff though. So far I've found a used VM Squier P and an Ibanez Jet King (in tobacco with white PGs, not white/argyle). Both were about $225. I can't decide! And I'm not actually working at the moment; my job should be starting soon, but I'm not crazy about spending a big ol' chunk of my first paycheck before I actually have it.

That said, the consensus seems to be P-bass FTW, which was my original plan, so that'll probably be what I eventually go with. But that Jet King is so cool... Maybe I'll have to buy both. I also like tfarny's idea of building a bass, but I don't know enough about basses (and what I like or don,t like in them) to build one. Yet.  :laughing7:
Wow.  There's only one real choice for an awesome beginner bass.  Scour craigslist until you find one for cheap (I've bought several for less than 75 bucks), buy a Warmoth J neck, and find your perfect pickup.  You'll spend less than 500 bucks (even with an exotic neck), and you'll have an AMAZING starter bass.  I have a bass that I built for a friend that was 50 for the Squier bass (kept the body), 228 (tax and ship included) for the maple/rosewood J showcase neck (some birdseye), 6 bucks for Tru Oil, 22 for generic clover tuners, and 40 for a used American P pickup.  That's 346 for a bass that sounds and plays as good as any P bass ever. 

I am a huge ibanez fanboy. I've owned a handful of nice guitars by them for less than $700.
i will say, if you want to get one, find it in a store and play it first or buy it from someone who you trust. They are not the same from one to the next and it's the kind of thing where you have to find a good one. but when you do - man is it sweet.
I went into a music store while i was in Portland and picked up an ATK300 to check it out. I seriously dont' think i've ever heard a bass that sounded so deep unplugged. Had it been the right place and the right time, I might have bought it then and there but the timing wasn't right.

I do love the jet king look. honestly i love the look of almost all of ibanez's cheapo basses. the Artist and Artcore basses too. If i had all the money in the world...