
Bassist needs guitar building opinions!

I personally do not thing that scale length on a guitar has the same effects as on a bass.  The 35 inch scale is just very helpful for a five string to keep the B string from being a noodle.  On a guitar it has an effect sound wise and it makes it easier to bend stuff.  I like the twang of the 25.5 inch scale and it keeps me from tripping over my fingers above the 12th fret.  I dunno if it was mentioned, but stainless steel frets are another very nice option for the price.  As far as wiring I like the classic Les Paul wiring.  I find I don't use the splitting/series/parallel options, so I don't bother to wire them.  What I do like about that wiring scheme is the ability to flip the selector to a pick up that is off and have the guitar mute.  I am surprised at how much I use that.  For pickups, the Rio Grandes and Bare Knuckles are very common favorites around here for more boutique pickups.  In both cases it is a very good idea to contact the folks at the companies to have them suggest a pick up that matches what you want it to sound like.  I would also ask if you have thought about putting a P90 in the neck spot?  From what I have picked up from the folks that have done this is that a slightly underwound P90 in the neck works well.  If you go that route then there are some other brands to look into, I'll let the people that have done this fill in more about the process.  I want to try this because I am a sucker for the P90's looks...  Finally, you mentioned Muse in the bands that you were going for as far as sound, I would also suggest the Zvex Fuzz Probe/Factory pedal in the pursuit of that sound.  It is a box of entropy that Bellamy has wired into his guitar.

If you like P90, try a P92 or Pig90 from Bare Knuckle... the hot stuff from P90 (think, because don't know any of the songs you've posted as the tone you wish :laughing7:)

-CB- has guitars with H and P90 and say the P90 sounds louder than the humbucker... So try double P90...
I honestly have no experience with P90 pickups. Are there any production guitars currently using them so I could get some impressions? My understanding is that current LP's are all humbuckers.
tfcreative said:
Ok, I'll try to throw out a few songs to get an idea of the tones that I like. I'm not trying to specifically emulate any of these, I suppose you could call them influences:

"Chaos" by Mute Math
"Nothing as it Seems" by Pearl Jam
"Futures" by Jimmy Eat World
"Hysteria" by Muse

Those are in no particular order. There are also some John Frusciante (sp?) and John Mayer tones that I like, but I'll keep the strat for those. Who knows, maybe I'll build me a super strat next.

those songs arent really all that high gain, they have gain but not masses of it

id go with a mid range humbucker, they can still handle plenty of gain and perform well with it, but they also hit a nice bluesy over drive like peral jam or can deliver a pretty nice clean tone - not john mayer or frucainte but pretty sweet.

soemthing like

swineshead a.m.p (coil tappable) - http://www.swinesheadpickups.co.uk/amp.shtml
Lace Hemibucker (coil tappable) - http://www.music123.com/Lace-Hemi-Humbucker-Pickup-305421-i1168312.Music123
dimarzio vintage PAF
rockmonkey gorilla fists - http://www.rockmonkeyguitars.com/humbuckers.htm

just soem suggestions
Bluesey overdrive: that's the best description I've heard for what I'm thinking, I just couldn't quite define it.
tfcreative said:
Bluesey overdrive: that's the best description I've heard for what I'm thinking, I just couldn't quite define it.

Bare Knuckle Mules, I say...

Guys here will say Rio Grande BBQ/TX set
I don't actually know any of those songs but it sounds like you're an alternative/modern rock kinda guy.

99.9% chance you will be happy if you get the TX/BBQ set.

As for the Pearly Gates... I've heard a few complaints... too bright, too nasal, squeals a lot.  It's unpotted so be prepared for that.  I don't have one myself.

The SD '59 is very nice, just a great all-around classic rock pickup that you can use for anything.  I think the JB is similar for slightly harder rock.
SD has a cool wiring schem for 2 HB's and a 5 way strat selector.

I've been dreaming of a Indian RW neck with a Brazillian fretboard on a build similar to this.
Pearly Gates is non-potted? That's out.

Ok, I'm going to look into the BK and RG suggestions. This guitar is really taking shape.
I can't find it either, but IIRC all SD's except for the Seth Lover and the Antiquities were wax potted.  :dontknow:

I was poking around Youtube and found this vid on Pearly Gates thru a VJr.
Looks like I am wrong about the PG.  Since it's supposed to be a replica of a PAF from the Pearly Gates, I assumed it was unpotted.  :dontknow:  Sorry!  :)