
Bass6 showcase option!

Hopefully there will be more options in the not too distant future.  The bridge, body shape, and headstock shape in that order are all deal breakers at the moment, yet I'm still very interested. 
A few years ago, Fender made a 21-fret, 28 1/2" scale Jaguar with a T-O-M called the Jaguar Baritone Custom.

The Warmoth Bass6 looks like it combines elements of the Jaguar Baritone Custom (its Jazzmaster shaped pickguard) with the classic Fender Bass VI (its 30" scale, floating tremolo, and 3 pickups)

Shown below are the Fender Jaguar Baritone Custom, the Fender Bass VI, and the Warmoth Bass6.


  (the neck on the Bass6 looks shorter than the Bass VI because, as David St. Hubbins might say, there was "too much f***ing perspective" in the photo.)

DangerousR6 said:
PitchShifter said:
DangerousR6 said:
tfarny said:
It is 30", six strings, and a JM trem, is what it is. Tune it to whatever you want! Love all of these new and original creations, keep em coming and I hope you sell a ton.
Baritones range from 27 to 30.5, so these would fall into that category. Don't see that they are "new and original" but it does look pretty cool and would love to play one or even build one... :icon_biggrin:

"Baritone" suggests something that is tuned halfway between, usually to A-A or B-B. Bass 6 is tuned a full octave down at E-E, so is not technically a Baritone.

Warmoth have listed the bass 6 at .84 gauge E like the Jerry Jones guitars, as opposed to the origina Fender .95. The .95 gauge Schecter Hellcat 6 I played was woeful on the lower strings. Too flabby and all but worthless. Does the lighter gauge improve on that?

Been waiting for these for months.  :hello2:
Baritones are usually a fith or a fourth lower as you said, but you can tune it anyway you want, but technically by scale length it's still a baritone.... I'm just saying.....:dontknow:
Lol, you do raise a good point!
Just based on my experiences playing basses and a baritone, I can't imagine getting a good feel from .84 low E on a 30" scale, the bass norm is .105 string and 4" more fretboard, of course. I can totally imagine this thing tuned, say, B to B (below guitar's low E) but below that I probably wouldn't like the feel.
I like the 24 frets but I'd also need a hardtail option to actually buy one. Jazzmaster whammys were a mistake....  :laughing3: And Fender keeps reissuing "classic" mistakes, year after year. 30.5" scale basses are OK with a regular, 1.00" - 1.10" low E, but this puppy would need to be tuned higher to function with a .85" or something. Tuner holes? String brands that long? D'Addario sells single XL's and Chromes in various gauges, but they're hard to find so you'd better not pop a string on tour in Timbuktu.
stubhead said:
I like the 24 frets but I'd also need a hardtail option to actually buy one. Jazzmaster whammys were a mistake....  :laughing3: And Fender keeps reissuing "classic" mistakes, year after year.

Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Any other bridge options?


Are these Showcase only, or can they be scratch build ordered?
man, I want one of these.....one of these with Dimarzio Area 67's in it in a blueburst swamp ash body with a quilted maple top.....super drool.....anyone built one yet? how much and any clips you can post?
I built one with 3 P90s, and I'll be posting build pics as soon as the guitar's namesake gets settled into the world.  It's freaking amazing.
