
Baritone 7/8 T Style


Junior Member
I have a 7/8 body I was working on then quit half way through. There's no bridge route. If I wanted to install a baritone neck on it Would that be possible? Just measure scale length and install the bridge right?
It will neck dive like crazy. The 7/8 body is smaller than a standard tele and even a standard tele will have neck dive issues with baritone necks.
Neck dive will likely be an issue, but... yes, technically, if you just measure correctly and drill accurately, you can stick a bari neck on the 7/8 body.

And then take a foot or so of heavy duty chain and attach it to the rear strap button to counteract the dive.*

Stainless has the best tone. It's science.

*I saw Mike Gordon performing with a National-resonator-style bass guitar when he toured with Leo Kottke back in the mid 2000's. He had a foot of chain hanging off the strap button, and I realized before long that it was there to counter the neck dive.
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