its a new 'rage' in the guitarworld. Gibson, Suhr, Anderson and Musicman are all doing it. Maple that has been heat-treated. Just stick the wood in an oven without oxygen, and bake it at 250 to 300 degrees celcius (sorry I don't use imperial scales), and you can bake it ranging from slightly goldbrown to chocolate brown.
I really wish to see those woods. Especially with having the recent gibson-raid in mind, exotic woods may not be among us for long... baked maple has the tone of maple albeit a bit sweeter, or so they say, and you can use it without a finish! thats what draws most of us to exotics.
If warmoth wants to go with the current trend of 'going green', I think this is the only way to do so. Maybe they can go even so far as pushing the 'public' to go with the baked maple-versions instead of the exotics by raising the prices on the exotics.
just my 2 cents.
I really wish to see those woods. Especially with having the recent gibson-raid in mind, exotic woods may not be among us for long... baked maple has the tone of maple albeit a bit sweeter, or so they say, and you can use it without a finish! thats what draws most of us to exotics.
If warmoth wants to go with the current trend of 'going green', I think this is the only way to do so. Maybe they can go even so far as pushing the 'public' to go with the baked maple-versions instead of the exotics by raising the prices on the exotics.
just my 2 cents.