
baked maple necks please


Hero Member
its a new 'rage' in the guitarworld. Gibson, Suhr, Anderson and Musicman are all doing it. Maple that has been heat-treated. Just stick the wood in an oven without oxygen, and bake it at 250 to 300 degrees celcius (sorry I don't use imperial scales), and you can bake it ranging from slightly goldbrown to chocolate brown.

I really wish to see those woods. Especially with having the recent gibson-raid in mind, exotic woods may not be among us for long... baked maple has the tone of maple albeit a bit sweeter, or so they say, and you can use it without a finish! thats what draws most of us to exotics.

If warmoth wants to go with the current trend of 'going green', I think this is the only way to do so. Maybe they can go even so far as pushing the 'public' to go with the baked maple-versions instead of the exotics by raising the prices on the exotics.

just my 2 cents.
Unfortunately, the baking process can leave the wood somewhat brittle to work with.  That could/would mean taking a lot more time to work the piece.  More cost and slows production.

A good friend of mine is a forestry products research scientist and was involved in the early development of 'baked' woods.  The process does work!
Orpheo said:
If warmoth wants to go with the current trend of 'going green', I think this is the only way to do so. Maybe they can go even so far as pushing the 'public' to go with the baked maple-versions instead of the exotics by raising the prices on the exotics. 

Going "green" usually means higher costs, lower quality, reduced availability, and greater environmental impact. It's an ongoing scam that only benefits those who offer the option for sale after brainwashing the idiots among us, not those who suffer from it.

Produce is a prime example of it. You want "organic"? Fine. They only get about 25% yield on the land, but somehow it's 175% more expensive. Then, what you get is nearly inedible right from the start, and often looks like it's been worked over by an artillery tank exercise. If that's ok, then you have the bugs/fungus/mold issues, which if aren't obvious from the start will be so in short order. You got no shelf life. The stuff is garbage. I throw away veggies that look better than most "organic" stuff you can get at the local Kroger's.

I could go on and on, but I'd get political and everybody would pee their pants.
Don't get me started about compact fluroescent light bulbs.  Apparently energy use is the only green criteria.  Nevermind that the implementation of them has moved faster than disposal facilities.  Our air isn't any cleaner but now there's more mercury in the ground water because most through them in landfills.  All that to make the thing that uses the least amount of electricity in a home more efficient.  And tankless waterheaters, sure they use less electricity, kind of.  They use it all at once, which like traffic there are peak times in the evenings and mornings.  If everyone had one, our grid would crash.  We already have rolling blackouts in the peak hot and cold seasons.  What if everyone's waterheater that requires 120 amps instead of 30 amps kicked on at the same time?
Yeah, this isn't the place. I'll get all riled up, then everybody else will get riled up, and it'll turn into a big pissing contest to see who's the most upset. Better we should talk about how to make the best cheesecake. Or guitars, if we have to.
Plus - ahem - you have to bake the whole log before you slice it and see if it explodes, warps etc. You can't bake a neck at a time.


The deal with the light bulbs is that Congress in their infinite wisdom (they never, ever read the friggin' bills)  decreed a price point so low that the only way to make them was out of cheap Chinese junk and besides being poisonous, they suicide themselves if you put them sideways, put them anywhere near vibration, speak foreign to them (Mustafalo Yingreech! Yoigy, yoigy, yoigy....) or just for the hell of it. If you get the good ones - $9 to $13, 26+ volts - they kick ass. Which all lightbulbs should be tested for.  And I'm glad there was DDT, because my grandparents and parents had food to eat, instead of feeding it to the bugs. Balled eagles are nasty, scabrous scavengers, the only different between them and vultures is the eagles don't wait for you to die. The bald ones, too.

(if DDT kills eagles and not vultures, doesn't that me... oh, never mind)

I want him!
baked Maple neck = pass

another marketing fad that will pass just like pointy guitars, big hair, bell bottom jeans, and Tiny Tim

all the best,

Every brand-new innovation, in order to give you tone that's "More Vintage than Vintage" - I get confused, too. Vintage tone pretty much sucked, for the most part.

Mahavishu John McLaughlin's United States recording debut:


Actually it wasn't the tone that sucked, but it was a far cry from ->


There are people who still though McLaughlin's tone was too, ummm, loud. A dimed Marshall Major (200watts) can do that. Overloaded every mike in creation.
What he said. I'd rather cut off my left nut than go back to "vintage" guitars and amps. The only people who are enamoured of that crap are those who've never had to deal with it. There's some sort of romantic notion that it was great, kinda like chicks with old musicals from the '30s and '40s. Trust me, there was nothing great about it. Quite the opposite. That stuff sucked. Hard.
There were some great players in the 60's and early 70's who figured out some combinations - certainly Clapton, 1965, 1959 Les Paul into a then-NEW Marshall - was it JT45? Wasn't that guitar six years old? Hmmm, till he switched in Cream to a 335 that was three years old and an SG that was six years old. NONE of those guitars were vintage till the marketers got hold of the concept. Hendrix played brand new guitars, Allman and Page played 11-year-old guitars.

Magical thinking: causal reasoning that looks for correlation between acts or utterances and certain events.
- Wikipedia

Magical thinking: causal reasoning that looks for correlation between acts or utterances and certain events; OR INANIMATE CHUNKS OF STUFF, TRICKED INTO MAKING COOL NOISES BY REALLY SMART AND/OR PERSISTENT MUSICIANS.
- Stubipedia

Because vintage guitars weren't vintage at the time they were laying the foundations of "rock guitar tone", it's entirely possible to argue, from select evidence, that any guitar that's over 20 years old sounds like crap. Or any other damfool thing you want, because American are/were* so overbrimming with cash and dangerously-hallucinogenic levels of can-do spirit that clearly, tone can simply be bought.

Which is why millionaire trust-fund baby Henry Kaiser IV sounds so irresistibly wonderful all the time:

How long did you last? :laughing3:

*( :sad1: )
