
Back at it


Hero Member
Hunting season is over and the New Year is here so I'm getting fired back up to finish more guitars. I started this one a while back for myself with all kinds of big plans on different finishes but once I got the first wash coat of clear on the wood I decided it needed to be left in as natural state as possible. The quilt and mahogany stand on their own in the beauty department so they only are getting clear. In fact the mahogany is so beautiful I did not even use past filler just coat after coat of clear lacquer sanded back until the grain was filled with finish. Lot of labor but it is some kind of beautiful.
It's getting a Lollar Gold Foil in the neck and the bridge will be a Lollar String-Through Steel.
That clear is totally awesome. It's easy to see why you stayed with that.  :icon_thumright:
I agree. Spectacular specimens of quilted Maple and Mahogany - be a shame to let anything but their natural beauty show.
Here is the finished guitar. It has a Loller Gold Foil in the neck and a Loller String Through Steel in the bridge. It has a cut switch and then a volume and tone. I'm still up in the air as to which knobs to use on the pots. This was a fun build.
Looks classy. Nice job. :icon_thumright:

Maybe those chrome Strat-type hat knobs would look good on it.
I think something like this would be cool if the colors were reversed (chrome knobs with a gold/brass insert) to tie into the Gold Foil's aesthetic


But that doesn't seem to exist.  Maybe a chrome or nickel witch-hat?

I've been seeing some real stunning examples lately (this one included) of clear on nice mahogany. The finished guitar is really sharp.
Beautiful! So does that string-through bridge pickup mount right to the top of the guitar or did you have to route at all for it? Any chance of audio samples? I’d sure love to hear what she sounds like.
The string-through mounts right to the face of the guitar. I have not got around to recording anything with it but if I do I'll post it on Instagram.