
Atomic CLR: wedge vs cab, low volume performance

Or, get your drummer to settle down. The trend now is toward the (relatively) "quiet" stage. Get a small amp (or no amp) or a modeller that sounds the way you want it to, and/or run small speakers that are mic'd or the modeller direct to FOH for mixing/correcting and feeding the audience. Some don't even run stage monitors any more in favor of in-ear solutions that let the players customize their own stage mix. Works out well as many stages in those places aren't much more than drum risers, so room to set up is at a premium. In fact, there are a lotta bars/clubs that won't even let you in with 412 bottoms or stacks these days. Too loud and take up too much real estate.

The object of a band in most of those places is to entertain crowds of drinkers and possibly get them to dance, all in the service of selling more drinks. That's where the money comes from to pay the band and keep gas in the owner's yacht. When the audience can't carry on a conversation due to an overpowering band and goes home with hearing damage, it kinda puts the kibosh on the social interactions that pay the bills. Not to mention the safety of your own hearing.
Very true. Though, trying to tell a drummer to hit less hard is like telling a singer he's off key..  :laughing7:
I know. But, there's more than one drummer in the world. Find one with a set of electronic drums. Then, he who controls the PA controls both the drummer's stage and audience levels.
I found a wedge on the 'Bay but it got away. Meanwhile they are on indeterminate backorder from Atomic. Could be a week, could be 8 months. The neodymium version is shipping, but it's a $400 upcharge. The cab version is also shipping. Decisions, decisions....
I suspect most people are satisfied and keep them. Once in a while you'll see one advertised on Fractal Audio's forum in the "Classified/For Sale" folder. Might keep an eye on that.

Before the Atomic CLRs were named King of the Hill by the modelling crowd, the RCF NX12-SMA units were the thing to have. But, they're usually $1600-$1800 new. If you see one of those for less than $1K, it might not be a bad investment.
Another option is the Line 6 L2T or L2M. I heard one in a treatef room at a guitar shop and they sound amazing and have tons of power. (Just to throw a wrench in your decision). I've never heard any bad reviews of them, but it's not some people's cup of tea. A cool thing with them, is the L6 Link feature,wgich is also on the Helix. You connect an AES/EBU cable from the Helix to the L2m/t, and it sets it up to work as it should with the helix, and you can even run another cable from the first monitor to a second one, and it auto-assigns your left signal to the first  monitor, and your right signal to the right monitor, or if theres just one monitor, it sums left and right to mono. They are prettycool, and a bit cheaper than the CLR's. (Getting major GAS here...)
That does seem like a really cool system. How was the one you listened to as far as mechanical noise? I've read many reports of excessive fan noise and chassis rattles in those units, although they mostly seem to be from a couple of years ago. Possibly an issue thats been solved?
The one I played through was pretty quiet. I didn't hear any noise that wasn't coming from the guitar. The sound was really clear and punchy.
Just got an e-mail from Guitar Center, Helix is in! Unfortunately I'm about 3000 miles north of my local GC, and will be for a couple of weeks yet... The speaker dilema is still costing me sleep. I've been considering other options but I keep coming back to the CLR. I don't want to wait for the standard wedge and I'm not particularly interested in paying the $400 upcharge for the neodymium unit, so I'm leaning toward the cab. Probably put the order in next week, I'm trying to time it so I'm home when it arrives as I don't think my pregnant wife would appreciate wrestling 50# of speaker into the house...
Received two e-mails from Atomic today, one saying that my cab has shipped... and the other saying that the wedges are back in stock. D'oh!  :doh: No worries, it all happens as it's supposed to...

On the flip side, if anybody is looking to buy a CLR active wedge, now's the time!
As long as you're abusing your credit card, you might want to consider a stand such as the Onstage 7761B. Very heavy duty, and larger/sturdier than it looks in the picture...


Adjusts up tall enough to face you at head level where it can do the most damage. Less than $50 most places.
Nice, thanks for that! Is that what you have in your setup? How are they for stability with a speaker on top?
Yup. Got mine from Carvin for $49, but I've seen them for less w/ free shipping, such as at the link above.

They're very stable and sturdy, which is why I mentioned it above. I was surprised at them when they showed up; I didn't expect so much stand. Plus, they're fairly light so if you want to take them out on a gig it's not a hardship. I have the powered CLRs, so they're like 47lbs ea., and there's no sense that you could knock 'em over without malice aforethought.

It's a different feel when you play, too. Having the speakers at head level is different than your traditional cab on the floor. It seems more clear somehow. You get better dispersion too, although the CLRs already have a surprisingly wide dispersion angle to begin with. You don't get that "beaming" effect that floor-standing cabs often have. You can walk around without changing your perception of what you're doing much, and the audience hears a better image of what's going on regardless of seating.

Highly recommended.