Well, it seems like I've been waiting forever, it was the dead of winter when I finally settled on the body I wanted and put my order in. After a while, it seemed like maybe I just dreamed about a new guitar, it wasn't really going to happen. But nice things take time, so sometimes you've just got to wait it out.
After 80 days, it has arrived and it's much nicer than I ever could have imagined. Here's a few pix in the open box.
It's not as red as the pictures look, it's more like a sunrise...a tequila sunrise.
So here it is -
left handed strat body
3 bolt neck
Flame maple on swamp ash
Tequila Sunrise Burst front, Candy Tangerine back
black binding
rear route, 7/8" side jack hole
I'd say that the build starts tomorrow, but I'm breaking away to start right now.
It's gonna be a great summer arty07:
After 80 days, it has arrived and it's much nicer than I ever could have imagined. Here's a few pix in the open box.
It's not as red as the pictures look, it's more like a sunrise...a tequila sunrise.
So here it is -
left handed strat body
3 bolt neck
Flame maple on swamp ash
Tequila Sunrise Burst front, Candy Tangerine back
black binding
rear route, 7/8" side jack hole
I'd say that the build starts tomorrow, but I'm breaking away to start right now.
It's gonna be a great summer arty07: