
April Guitar/Bass of the Month: WINNER

Who should win

  • Total voters
GratefullyRedd said:
Oh come on, there's enough room up there for a picture of someone's pretty bass. Why not guitar of the month and bass of the month every month.

We would run out of basses fairly quickly if we did it every month.
There aren't as many basses on the forum as there are guitars.
ironeddie said:
Whats the prize? Bragging rights? :icon_biggrin:

yep...and your photo on the home page.  Maybe we can talk the folks at WARMOTH into provideing a gift certificate for GOTY...just a thought
Being a bass player, I don't see the need for a separate contest.  I'm voting for a finish whether it's on a guitar or a bass.  There is not a "guitars only" finish category so there need not be a 'basses only" category, IMO.
line6man said:
baskruit said:
line6man said:
baskruit said:
I don't see why we would need a separate contest for bass players. And I say this as a 100% bass player.
Musically there are differences but in the end we're judging a body, a neck, hardware and paint. The best combination wins.

The problem is, we get very few bass entrees, and very few bass votes.
Maybe they've been just not that special so far. People here generally like spectacular tops, bindings, outrageous paint jobs etcetera and fewer than a few bass entries have been like that.

I think there are plenty of great basses here with awesome woods and tops/finishes.
Even if the basses around here are not as spectacular as the guitars, they are still awesome in their own right, and at least once in a while deserve to win a contest.
Let's agree to disagree. :)
Well, the old me would have said that a solid colored bass isn't going to win against some of these fancy topped guitars. But, then my plain white guitar won GOTM against some really top shelf maple tops so I guess I could be wrong. I would think the only problem for basses would be that most of us are guitar players and will naturally gravitate towards the six stringers. I could be wrong about that. I too would like to see a bass win from time to time. Were there any winning basses last year?
mullyman said:
Well, the old me would have said that a solid colored bass isn't going to win against some of these fancy topped guitars. But, then my plain white guitar won GOTM against some really top shelf maple tops so I guess I could be wrong.

Two things:
1) Your guitar has an insane fingerboard.
2) Your wife posed with it.


But I think your old me is right. While I can appreciate a solid coloured body, it just won't be a favourite to win the cup.
FWIW, I think doing a basses only contest quarterly or semiannually is a great idea!  Just don't do a GOTM one month and let the basses take the stage. 
CrackedPepper said:
FWIW, I think doing a basses only contest quarterly or semiannually is a great idea!  Just don't do a GOTM one month and let the basses take the stage. 

Well, how about this,

Jan, Feb, Mar, April = Guitars (and basses if they want to join)

May = Bass of the Month (no guitars)

June, July, Aug, Sept. = Guitars (and basses if they want to join)

Oct. Bass of the Month (no guitars)

Nov. = Unofficial Raffle to end the year with a bang

Dec. Guitar of the year *and* Bass of the year from previous winners only. No new entries.

I just don't see a bass winning a GOTM with so many guitarists looking at all that eye candy. I would vote for a bass if there was something I really really liked, but I'm kind of jaded when it comes to bass guitars, I only like Stingrays. Sorry.
mullyman said:
I just don't see a bass winning a GOTM with so many guitarists looking at all that eye candy.

I disagree;  I'm a guitarist but Super Turbo's transparent orange bass gives me serious GAS and is a coin flip from getting my vote.  Let's just keep the GOTM as it is;  guitars and basses competing.
mullyman said:
Well, how about this,

Jan, Feb, Mar, April = Guitars (and basses if they want to join)

May = Bass of the Month (no guitars)

June, July, Aug, Sept. = Guitars (and basses if they want to join)

Oct. Bass of the Month (no guitars)

Nov. = Unofficial Raffle to end the year with a bang

Dec. Guitar of the year *and* Bass of the year from previous winners only. No new entries.

I just don't see a bass winning a GOTM with so many guitarists looking at all that eye candy. I would vote for a bass if there was something I really really liked, but I'm kind of jaded when it comes to bass guitars, I only like Stingrays. Sorry.

I like this plan!

And Mully, you do realize you've set a pretty high standard there... now if I can only convince my wife to let me take pictures of her.  :help:
Now all I need is a warmoth and an attractive woman to pose with it....

Chances of the attractive woman...NIL  :sad1:
Chances of a warmoth....We shall see  :icon_thumright:

The guitar might be a bit later considering I just spent £1900 on a new gibson  :toothy11:

I'll have some up of my two LPs in a bit.  My bengal burst that I got a while ago has some brand new reverse zebra pearly gates in it.
Pyrodan said:
The guitar might be a bit later considering I just spent £1900 on a new gibson  :toothy11:


Silly...  What were ya thinkin'  :laughing7:
Haha well believe me it was £1900 well spent!

Burstbucker pup in the bridge
Locking Tuners
Gold plated pots

Plays like a dream...but it isn't a warmoth  :laughing7: (and thats the only flaw!)

But as soon as I sell my Epiphone Dot and my ancient train set (maybe some early birthday money too  :icon_thumright:) I plan to make a WGD

WGD is probably my favourite shape that Warmoth do  :icon_biggrin: but it all depends on selling this stuff  :tard:
My Entries

Bengal Burst:




Blue Flame:





