
Apartment life SUCKS; or Brotha' Needs A New Set Of Headphones...


Hero Member
O.K., I moved back into the apartment world a 1 1/2 years ago so I could save money and get all my school debt paid off. 
Life was grand until 3 weeks ago when I had a new neighbor move in above me.  Since that day, my life has been hell...

Mind you, I am very conscience of my neighbors and the noise I make. 
I even slowly close the front gate every morning because I know the folks that live in that apartment must really get tired of that thing clanging all day and night.

That being said, my new neighbor has found in necessary to call the police on me three times in the past two weeks complaining of noise.
I might also add that she called the police on the neighbor above her twice in the past two weeks for the same complaint.
The noise that she complained about was not even me playing my geetar, but me just playing music through my computer.  No comparison to my geetar noise...
The police have in their own way, as much as they could, sided with me.  However, they are getting pissed because they keep having to come out to our complex to answer the complaints.

Anyway, I have resorted to the fact that I need to get some new headphones to play through and prevent me from attacking the *%#@^, I mean keep the peace...
The last set of headphones I bought was over 15 years ago and I know they have come a long way.  They were an old set of Fostex T-20's

Anybody have any recommendations for a good set of headphones.  I need something with comfort and great sound.  I also understand a great set of headphones will not be cheap.
Also, what about wired vs. wireless.  Are there any wireless phones that really work well?

Thanks for your help and hopefully this will keep me out of a lawsuit. 
im totally on your side here man, Sounds this slapper has never lived in an flat before. neighbours make noise it happens, she should stop hopping everyone will be dead quite so she can get some peice. earplug are the way to go. you should buy her some as a special gift. My imaturity makes me want to say, buy an amp and turn it up full blast and blow her face off. then when the police arrive tell them shes making shit up just to annoy you.  :toothy12:
I use a pair of AKG K721's and have done so for the past three or four years. They are very transparent in that they don't colour the sound, they are excellent for monitoring / mixing if you cant run speakers. They're not flattering, but they are definitly true, I love em :-)
If you want a pair that is clear and accurate without breaking the bank, the Sony MDR-7506 Studio Monitor phones are highly recommended.

They're fairly flat on the curve compared to many others which jack up the bass/try to sweeten the sound.
Sony MDRs are pretty much the standard in studio headphones.

I've also heard good things about Direct Sound's Extreme Isolation Headphones. Those good things being that no one can hear what you're listening to when you have them on.
Black Dog said:
That being said, my new neighbor has found in necessary to call the police on me three times in the past two weeks complaining of noise.
I might also add that she called the police on the neighbor above her twice in the past two weeks for the same complaint.

That's just deranged.
I've also got the K271's but if you really want my advice get these.. just got them to use as in ear monitors on stage and the tone is much more accurate

I have a pair of the Beyerdynamic DT770s, and while I have no complaints about the sound I can say this:

Try a pair on before you buy them, and don't get them if you have a small head! The circular ear surrounds are so large they don't fit snugly against my head, so there are always gaps around the edges, which kind of loses the point of having closed-back headphones as sound can get in/out. They are also quite annoying to wear for long periods, as they tend to slip from side to side, and the heavy coiled cable makes them tilt to the left.

For someone with my size/shape of head, I would much prefer something with the smaller, oval ear surrounds; so, if you're going to be spending a long time wearing headphones, make sure they are comfortable first.
+1 on the DT770 Pro;s

I have used loads of them (I work at a TV and Radio Station).

Jeremiah said:
Try a pair on before you buy them, and don't get them if you have a small head! The circular ear surrounds are so large they don't fit snugly against my head, so there are always gaps around the edges, which kind of loses the point of having closed-back headphones as sound can get in/out. They are also quite annoying to wear for long periods, as they tend to slip from side to side, and the heavy coiled cable makes them tilt to the left.

I agree with this, but I have a massive head, so it doesnt affect me too much.

thank the dutch law! here, appartments MUST HAVE a noise-cancelling floor. Also, the dutch cops won't come for 'domestic noise'. only when violence comes into the equation :P
I've been using these for years and they still sound great: http://www.amazon.com/Stanton-DJ-Pro-2000-Headphones/dp/B0002KQG1K

*edit* those are the headphones, but they should be around $80 USD.
We have a very dodgy auto garage on the other side of the river from us. I say dodgy because it is dead quiet all day but is making plenty of noise in the evening, sometimes past midnight. The dodgiest thing I've ever seen was this one time when there were loud explosions coming from the place and fireballs going up in the air, it was making the windows in the house shake. Even still, I've never bothered to call the police.
Don't know anything about headphones, sorry. 

But I do know a thing or two about having the police called.

In my opinion, calling the police is just plain bad.  First, you never know what they'll do once they get there, it can always backfire on you.

Plus, calling the police is just bad karma.  It invites someone to call the police on you next time they're pissed off at you.  Unless someone is being assaulted or property is being damaged I'd rather let things play out on their own without the police involved.
This is where you need to be creative, figure out how to turn on your music at a level to piss off the neighbor, for a few minutes everyday while your at work or away. She's gonna cry "Wolf" one too many times.

Somehow you gotta make this a game till she moves out.

Forget the headphones, you got that handled by now, keep us up to speed on your bitchy neighbor
I'm kind of a headphone freak, I really like to hear things well. You have to limit your volume with them if you're going to use them for more than a few hours a day, though. Or you will go deaf - a lot of the rock star guys actually think that their deafness came not so much from stage volume, but from the advent of home studios. Playing drums with the headphones cranked....

I've had bad luck with AKG's - fragile. And good luck with all the Sennheiser line, I have HD201, HD202, HD457, my fave "open ear" ones are the HD485. Although the 457's with the "beer koozie mod" are darn good too - take a foam koozie, and cut two rings 1/2" wide. Either glue them to the pads, or just put them on when you put the headphones on, so that they fall off every time you move them.
They turn any headphone into over-ear or "supra-aural" phones! You could glue them to your head too! :hello2:

By far the best sealed cans I have are the Extreme Isolation EX-29's - you just can't hear the telephone, fire alarm or police breaking in when you've got those suckers on. They are tight, heavy and sweaty though - they were invented by a drummer who needed them to stay on. I have an evidence-free suspicion that sealed cans are marginally more (hearing-) dangerous than open ones, and that in-ear ones are more dangerous still. When you're standing next to an iPod guy, and you can hear HIS music just fine, well... The Sony MDR 7506's are a lighter, yet still quite isolating sealed set.

I have a strong suspicion that the ultra-expensive hi-fi sets are a bunch of hooey, because you're going to get used to what you're using and unless you're mastering for a commercial release, you can just adjust the tone controls to make most decent phones sound OK. You know about Start-> Control Panel -> Multi-channel Audio Configuration, right? There's an equalizer in there.
I've had a set of sennheiser HD 520II for many years.  Liking those.

I plan shortly to upgrade to some wireless sennheisers.  Just not sure which ones yet.
mayfly said:
I plan shortly to upgrade to some wireless sennheisers.  Just not sure which ones yet.

Yea, I was hoping to get some feedback on wireless headphones as well.  
It would sure be nice to not jack around with that cord.  
My only concern is sound quality related to signal loss  :dontknow:
If anyone has used them, please post...
Thanks to everyone for all the other tips.  Sounds like I just need to go down to GC and try a bunch.  
They seem to have a lot of the brand that have been mentioned.

Alfang said:
This is where you need to be creative, figure out how to turn on your music at a level to piss off the neighbor, for a few minutes everyday while your at work or away. She's gonna cry "Wolf" one too many times.

Somehow you gotta make this a game till she moves out.

Yea, I like that concept!!!  Not exactally sure how to make it happen, but it is certainly worth some ponderin'

At this point, I think I am going to take the legal route.  
As one of my benefits at work, I can have a free consult with an attorney.
I feel that at this point I am being harrassed by my neighbour.  It is not like I am being unruley and keeping anyone awake.
Each one of these events has been between 3PM and 6PM.
Eh, she has to be 70+ years of age, so she will likely be leaving soon.
I would never wish bad will on anybody; I'm just saying  :icon_tongue: