Anyone have experience with Warmoth flake finishes? Bc red flake barely sparkles


So I'm designing my first custom guitar and have got everything figured out except for the color. I originally wanted red flake, but when I asked for one of the service people to send me a video of any red flake finished body they have in stock, the quick video they sent me looked like a red metallic guitar with some black dots. The flakes were barely noticeable and hardly had that sparkle that I would expect you'd be getting considering it's price.

Anyone have any experience with or videos of any sparkle finished guitar?

I wanted the sparkle for the stage, but if it won't be obnoxiously sparkly/loud, it hardly seems worth the extra cash.
Purple Flake in the sunshine


subdued in low light, being played by my fatter, older less talented, identical twin brother.


Quite a good example on how the finish come out in bright light.


I've handled them personally when I worked there.

Trust me, when you go outside in direct sunlight, it'll flake like a disco ball.