I had a RG7420 that I really, really would have liked to keep, but I was OD'd on guitars at the time, and even though I know "the secret" of how to play on thin shred necks*, when I discovered the big fat-necked Schecter sevens I had to pare down somewhere. So this:
became that:
with the kind of people I know, a cherry sunburst is far more acceptable than a burnt raspberry or crushed doodleberry or whatever Ibanez was calling that. Though I still imagine in my head the most wondrous music video of all time - a band of psychotic homeless caveman-looking late-80's metal fashion-dressed leather'n'chains
monsters swagger out on stage -
bones in their nose and shite, scowling and
biting the cameraman - pink & purple guitars, skulls everywhere - and, they break into a perfectly harmonized late-70's-Grateful-Dead-approved version of "El Paso"... dammit I wish I had that geetar back. :help:
Anyone who knows how to make surfboards could become a mega-thousandaire by applying fiberglass and resin to thicken the necks of fave geetars that just need a boost of 0.15" or 0.20" to become absolutely perfect. It doesn't even need to be surfboard cloth, even construction paper would do - it just has to hold the resin in place. There it is, kid - become a mogul, all I want out of it is an in-between boaty & standard neck for an Ibbzer.... :toothy11:
*(HaHaHa - you thought I forgot. To play well on a very thin neck, point your thumb
back towards the headstock - always. And then moreso. Point your spread fingers at yourself, move your thumb in and out - you'll see why.)