
Anyone has asked for a Soloist with horns? (Ibanez RG)


According to information that I got with this guys they can't produce an RG body because they will infringe in Hoshiro rights but I would like to know if you had a warmoth and made you or by somehow you finally got an RG body shape with your wood and rest of options?

Im not sure what you mean entirely but if you mean you want to get that body shape from a warmoth body, and neck if it has another headstock shape.
Then buy a body blank with the main routing done, and have someone cut the body shape for you, along with a paddle headstock neck.
thats the best course of action if that is what you mean.
Over on the Seven String Forum there's a reputable guy making Ibby copies, both seven and six-strings. A bit of searching ought to turn him up.
I do remember, the dis-reputable guy is Sims guitars.

It is pretty much illegal, so all this is hypothetical.... :laughing7: Jemsite is the motherload, I can even see a few... hypothetical bodies!
"Made out of the rare hypothet tree, these items are..."
Here too:
Over the years Ibanez themselves have made a staggering variety of takes on the RG, so if you narrow down what you want and start hanging on those forums a real one may turn up at an affordable price.

(Edit: I think figured out the code. It's illegal to make an Ibanez copy body, but as long as you make a spare body, it works?  :icon_scratch:)
I was asking about the body RG shape because I want Wilkinson instead of floyd rose and also because I really like the Soloist but with the Ibanez horns that would be awesome.

Basically what I want is an Soloist body with the arms from the RG.

Most guys that create replicas they are equal and don't have what I can get on warmoth.

Unfortunatelly ET Guitars are set in australia, so shipping costs will be expensive.

That guy from sims custom seems to be the best way for RG replacement bodies.
I had a RG7420 that I really, really would have liked to keep, but I was OD'd on guitars at the time, and even though I know "the secret" of how to play on thin shred necks*, when I discovered the big fat-necked Schecter sevens I had to pare down somewhere. So this:


became that:



with the kind of people I know, a cherry sunburst is far more acceptable than a burnt raspberry or crushed doodleberry or whatever Ibanez was calling that. Though I still imagine in my head the most wondrous music video of all time - a band of psychotic homeless caveman-looking late-80's metal fashion-dressed leather'n'chains monsters swagger out on stage - bones in their nose and shite, scowling and biting the cameraman - pink & purple guitars, skulls everywhere - and, they break into a perfectly harmonized late-70's-Grateful-Dead-approved version of "El Paso"... dammit I wish I had that geetar back. :help:

Anyone who knows how to make surfboards could become a mega-thousandaire by applying fiberglass and resin to thicken the necks of fave geetars that just need a boost of 0.15" or 0.20" to become absolutely perfect. It doesn't even need to be surfboard cloth, even construction paper would do - it just has to hold the resin in place. There it is, kid - become a mogul, all I want out of it is an in-between boaty & standard neck for an Ibbzer.... :toothy11:

*(HaHaHa - you thought I forgot. To play well on a very thin neck, point your thumb back towards the headstock - always. And then moreso. Point your spread fingers at yourself, move your thumb in and out - you'll see why.)

enb141 said:
Unfortunatelly ET Guitars are set in australia, so shipping costs will be expensive.

That guy from sims custom seems to be the best way for RG replacement bodies.

I checked shipping. 40 to 60 dollars American. for a guitar that whether you buy from him or from warmoth will cost around 1200 dollars.

seems when you pay more for a guitar than many people pay for their first car that shipping costs that equal a tank of gas will be pretty livable.
enb141 said:
Unfortunatelly ET Guitars are set in australia, so shipping costs will be expensive.

That guy from sims custom seems to be the best way for RG replacement bodies.

I checked shipping. 40 to 60 dollars American. for a guitar that whether you buy from him or from warmoth will cost around 1200 dollars.

seems when you pay more for a guitar than many people pay for their first car that shipping costs that equal a tank of gas will be pretty livable.

What about shipping to other countries (central america)?

1200 dolars for a warmoth body???

The body I was looking at warmoth costs around 450 (paint included) so what would be the shipping price for that soloist body?
Didn't say body. said guitar.

A Warmoth body isn't gonna bolt to an Ibanez neck. and even if it does I'm not sure the scale length would be okay.

A whole guitar, from him or from Warmoth. after hardware is goin to run in the ballpark of 1200 dollar american.

- Body (with paint) $450
- 2 Humbuckers $100
- Knobs, cable, capacitors, potentiometers $100
- Neck (moses) $500

Not including assembly prices because I'm gonna build it.
Yeah, you are right with guitar will cost around 1200 but the body will be $300 - $450.

I just need a recomendation about building an RG body with Wilkinson routing and HH for 24 Frets, and least but not last, carved like this

Sorry for being a complete NOOB to these kind of guitars, but I'm on the forum to learn, so please, what is it exactly that is wanted here that W does not have? All of these look pretty darn similar to a carved soloist, do they not? Is it just some subtle way the bod is carved or what? Horns keep coming up, but they all look extremely similar (pointy and on a bod smaller than a strat). What's the deal?
Yes they look almost like the carved soloist but the horns that we are talking about here are the difference.

The horns are the two arms if you wanna call them by some how but the difference between an RG and a Soloist is that the horns are more sharper (cutted by half by someway) so look pretty close to the horns and you will see the difference.
enb141 has been trolling for 12 posts now about carved tops not being exactly what he wants and not having ibanez bodies available
so far:
B3Guy said:
Sorry for being a complete NOOB to these kind of guitars, but I'm on the forum to learn, so please, what is it exactly that is wanted here that W does not have? All of these look pretty darn similar to a carved soloist, do they not? Is it just some subtle way the bod is carved or what? Horns keep coming up, but they all look extremely similar (pointy and on a bod smaller than a strat). What's the deal?

What it boils down to is that some guitar players can be incredibly petty about surprisingly minor details, even to the point where flaws have to be reproduced in all their glory. That is, if Fender/Gibson/et al screwed it up, the reproductions have to be screwed up, too. Otherwise, they're not reproductions. They're just better, and a surprising number of players don't want that. Apparently, "better" sucks. A good example is the Telecaster bodies Warmoth makes. They used to be perfect, but people bitched because they didn't have the Fender flaws in routing. So, they had to change them. As if even with the flaws anybody was going to think they were Fender parts. Fender wishes they made such nice parts on a regular basis.
AutoBat said:
enb141 has been trolling for 12 posts now about carved tops not being exactly what he wants and not having ibanez bodies available
so far:

It's possible enb141 is French, or some other sort of quasi-socialist. Usually when somebody complains about inequality due to an inability to get something for nothing, that's the problem. "Why should Mercedes cost more than Volkwagen? They're both cars!" Or, maybe he's only 12 <grin>
I'm not french, I'm from central america by the way.

They reason why I'm complaining about carved top price is because to me seems to be too expensive to pay twice just for this feature. I obviously think the carving option should have a price but to me pay twice for that is still making me think why.
And then we explain why. and you seem unable to grasp the reality of it.
takes a lot more labor to make those carved tops. takes a lot more time on a machine. it costs what it costs because it is going to cost that much.

a custom, one off guitar is not for the thrifty save-a-buck crowd.

And the soloist is 99 percent of the RG style. if you want a more exact RG clone go to someone else. Warmoth can please almost everyone. but its not their job to shave down a soloist body into an RG.

I just dont think thats going to be cost effective for them.