Anyone ever heard of the "Generic Pedal Co."?


Senior Member
One of my favorite past times is to hit the pawn shops to see what I can find, and this pedal caught my eye here a month or so back.  Finally decided to take the leap and buy it today.  It was cheap enough, so I thought what the heck... and it kind of intrigued me.  The only identifying makers mark is the "Generic Pedal Co." on the front of it, and it appears to be some kind of Tube Screamer clone.  I opened it up at the shop to check and make sure the battery terminal wasn't all corroded, and there was a date and some initials in marker on the inside but I can't remember off the top of my head what they said.  I looked all over the interwebz and I can't find a thing on this company... Thought maybe someone here had heard of them.


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Could be just a homemade / kit pedal that some guy built in his garage? It’s not uncommon for people to paint and label the enclosures with, well, whatever they want to put on there...
Seems to sound pretty good to me, but admittedly.. I'm not much of a "pedal" guy when it comes to clean boost and/or distortion pedals.  I've always relied on the amp to give me what I need.  I've used a few pedals in the past (wah, delay, chorus, etc.), but I've never been one to run some type of boost in front of the amp.  That's why I thought I would try this one since everyone seems to swear by the Tube Screamer.  Also, picked up a BBE Boosta Grande from the same shop to try as well.  I'll give the "no name" pedal the edge for me because it sounded a little more defined to my ear, but I liked them both.