
Anybody here live in the Joshua Tree area?


Junior Member
My wife and I got married out there, and we have been threatening to move there ever since. We visit often, and absolutely love it. We live in San Diego and want to get out of the city. I grew up in a town of 2,500 - in Kansas. We're also pretty much hippies. So I don't think life there would be a huge shock.

Any fellow Warmoth dorks reside in the area? Do you like it? Are people generally cool? I have already heard plenty about oppressive heat in the summers and a tough job market (I work online). Just wondering if anybody has any words of wisdom.
Something to consider is you'll pay California income tax, which, while not insanely high, still might take out a bigger bite than you're used to.

If you've never lived in the desert, it takes some getting used to.  It's not just hot, it's FREAKIN' HOT.  And dry.  Like, below 20% humidity most days.  If you are accustomed to growing a summer garden, you'll grow it between February and May.  Either that, or you'll water the hell out of it just to keep it from dying instantly.

The desert is also hell on guitars.  You will want to invest in a case humidifier for your acoustics, and maybe your electrics as well.  The desert will do to your guitar what an ice cold bath does for your naughty bits, i.e., embarassing shrinkage. Count on encountering fret sprout.  Be prepared to file the ends.