Cletus said:
Bit the bullet and paid the shipping, luckily the US dollar sucks really bad right now so exchange made no difference. I was basically buying in US dollars.
As someone who has bought a lot of stuff from overseas retailers over the years, can I tell you to check the exchange rates you are getting and the shipping costs.
Those two factors make you double check whether getting the item locally is worth the hassle vs. the wait from os. For larger more expensive items you have the worry about whether it will be assessed by Aust. Customs when it comes in and whether there's a tax to be paid. BTW, Aust. Customs are very good in answering your questions about bringing in stuff from overseas. Basically if the item is valued at more than Aus$1000 and it comes
by post there is a need to get it Customs Cleared and appropriate taxes paid. Under Aus$1000 and sent by post, it doesn't attract their attention. If the item is valued at Aus$500 or more and it comes via aCourier system like UPS or Fedex, then the fun starts with Customs Declarations. Usually your courier system will offer to do that as a brokerage service for you and yes they will charge for it.
Many items sold in Australia for music are expensive compared to what they retail for in say Europe or the USA. Speak to Australian Wholsalers and they'll try and covince you it's because of the shipping cost and the administration cost of carrying an Australian warranty and, of course, the retailers up charge for their slice of profit. But there are some items you simply can't find in Australian stores, period. And of course, there are some items you cannot get sent from an overseas retailer because the manufacturer and/or their local distributor prohibit them from sending outside of the country they are domiciled in. I'd also add some caution about things like amps and even stomp boxes that rely upon mains powering. You really have to get the correct info that the item is OK to use on Australian mains power (the IEC universal plug is a godsend as you don't need to find an adaptor plug, but the unit's power transformer really has to be up to handle the voltage).
Hope this info helps if you are new buyer from overseas sources and bringing gear into Australia.