DMRACO said:
WOW...busy man.
I try not to form opinions on boards. It is hard when you never actually meet people. I have found there is a phenomenon know as "e-mail/internet muscles." People say things on the web they would never say face to face. We are all guilty of that from time to time. The GOM contest really pushed my limits... :laughing8:
I would LOVE to meet all the folk of the board...I consided them all friends.
Actually, I'm not too busy at all. I'm just up all the time. I rarely sleep much more than 4 or 5 hours a day, and usually only in 2-3 hour chunks. I'm retired due to disability and don't get around easily or much, so that leaves the internet/computers, guitars and TV, and we all know what TV is like. It's the 7th ring of hell for the vast majority of the time, and I've got a couple hundred channels to choose from so it's not like I'm missing any quality programming I could get just by throwing money at the problem.
I spend so much time on message boards that I've gotten somewhat immune to the various ne'er-do-wells, and I understand that not everybody communicates well in written form. It's difficult because so much communication is in vocal inflection and body language, which are both missing. Makes it real easy to miss humor, sarcasm, parody, etc. and consider what someone says to be serious conjecture, which makes it sound like the poster is some kind of hateful shit that you wonder why is spending any time trying if it all makes them so miserable. But, you learn to recognize it, and take it for what it is. I've never had to put anyone on "ignore", since if they're so bad I can't take them, then neither would any responsible moderator so they don't last long.
I'm like you, though, in that I'd like to meet the folks on the board and consider everyone a friend. Except the Floyd Rose lovers, of course. Those guys I'd like to take a Floyd and perform a frontal lobotomy on through an eye socket, and see how well they liked the Floyd
then <grin>