
Alabama Jammer?,............. Really Gibson?!?,.............Really?!?!?

DangerousR6 said:
Billy Gibbons has one of these.... :icon_biggrin:

I like this one better...."Don't Mess with Texas".... :headbang1:

Did the Mexicans invade an annex part of Texas in the second one?
Wait, why does Alabama have balls? I never noticed that on a map....  :laughing3:

In all seriousness, I equate this to getting a SRV Signature Strat. Yea, I would love to have one, but I couldn't been seen in public with it. And I love me some SRV
jay4321 said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
What is the Sambora/Alabama connection anyway?  I thought he was a Jersey Boy.

Zakk Wylde & Bruce Springsteen asked them to leave a few years back

Ha!  You ever see Triumph, the insult comic dog interviewing Bon Jovi et al?  He asks Heather Locklear, "Heather, in the 80s, did Ritchie feather his pubes?"
To be fair to the dude, he was married to Heather Locklear for years, ditched her and hooked up with Denise Richards and then bagged Lindsay Lohan while in rehab.

I think it's safe to say he's beating any of us.
Ace Flibble said:
To be fair to the dude, he was married to Heather Locklear for years, ditched her and hooked up with Denise Richards and then bagged Lindsay Lohan while in rehab.

I think it's safe to say he's beating any of us.

I'm going home and I'm taking my ball with me.  :binkybaby:

Cletus said:
DangerousR6 said:
Billy Gibbons has one of these.... :icon_biggrin:

I like this one better...."Don't Mess with Texas".... :headbang1:

Did the Mexicans invade an annex part of Texas in the second one?
Actually its the other way around.  :guitaristgif:
Ace Flibble said:
To be fair to the dude, he was married to Heather Locklear for years, ditched her and hooked up with Denise Richards and then bagged Lindsay Lohan while in rehab.

I think it's safe to say he's beating any of us.

There was a Cher boink in there somewhere too.  But ugh, Tommy Lee's and Charlie Sheen's sloppy 2nds?
Give 'em credit for their good run of 91-95.  :laughing7: They played some cool stuff but it didn't last long at all.
I sure hope they don't do all 50 states. I can see the poor guy who winds up with the Wisconsin guitar and breaks the Door Peninsula off of it.

Michigan, I think you may be covered on. A friend of my old boss plays guitar in a band up here, and this is one of his axes:


I dunno about the lower peninsula though. I will say this:  thay absolutely have to make the lower peninsula guitar a flat-top model--archtop would hint that there is actual geography in the mitten, and that just isn't the case.
I thought MI would be one of the harder ones to do because of upper MI and the Yoopers contained therein.  Do you have to have a bridge holding it on?  Hawaii would have to be the hardest.  MA, the Cape would be an automatic lower cutaway.
pabloman said:
Cletus said:
DangerousR6 said:
Billy Gibbons has one of these.... :icon_biggrin:

I like this one better...."Don't Mess with Texas".... :headbang1:

Did the Mexicans invade an annex part of Texas in the second one?
Actually its the other way around.  :guitaristgif:
Hey we bought Texas from the Messican's... At least we made it look that way... :icon_biggrin:
California, New Mexico, and Arizona were the spoils of an unprovoked invasion into Mexico.  Texas was the result of a revolution for independence that culminated with a 15 minute battle and a cross-dressing Santa Anna.  But, I see pabloman's point.  The Mexican gov't let in American settlers who refused to learn to speak, read, and write the language of the country they were moving into, and then claimed it.
It's amazing how such a pivotal part of Texas history tends to get glamorized and the facts get kind of lost. Texas is one of the few states I've lived in that teaches its kids so much about it's history. Hawaii was another. It seems that history in general is becomming less and less important in schools. I'm amazed about how little my kids know. :dontknow: I guess it bugs me too because I love history.
Louisiana also teaches a lot about it's history , and they do not glamorize it one bit. They tell the truth about Huey P Long being in the mobs pocket.
Now I Majored in history,, have a post graduate degree in it. I love the stuff and it really does get tome that so much of history is taught in revisionist fashion. It seems that the truth is not popular in a politically correct world so we just change what we do not want to admit too.
Paul-less said:
In all seriousness, I equate this to getting a SRV Signature Strat. Yea, I would love to have one, but I couldn't been seen in public with it. And I love me some SRV

One of my brothers had one of those, and quickly came to feel the same way. Cost a jillion bucks, didn't sound anything like SRV, and was unnecessarily gaudy. Plus, you hang one of those around your neck and everybody starts wondering why you aren't also wearing his underwear, hat, boots, etc. and sweating like a whore in church. I mean, come on!

He ended up selling it pretty fast <grin>
I had one for a few months. Changed out the SRV parts and it was a decent guitar. Pau and a nice neck profile. Sold it for more than I picked it up for and the guy was happy the pickguard was pristine. I'm not much for signature guitars but I wouldn't mind gettin my hands on a Slash LP of somesort.
A pickguard swap quickly un-SRVs it to the casual observer.  Just plain Black, a white that matches the other white plastic, even Tortoise - although it is an aquired taste.  Honestly, the lefty trem with a righty bar is a great idea and I don't know why we don't see more of them.  It puts the arm over the strings, right where you need it, instead of hanging over the controls.  To an established guitar player, they can pull off playing an SRV Strat without having to sound like him.  Mike McCreedy from Pearl Jam rocked one for a while.  Mayer did too.  Okay, the latter is a bad example.  But yeah, an SRV sig in a bar band, "Play Pride and Joy!!!!!!!!!"