
Agile Review (?)


Hero Member
Due to the incessant ignorance and backlash re: agile guitars, I've decided to handle
this review privately instead of publicly, because I'm not wasting my energy.

There were some who were interested and some who PM'd me regarding these fine instruments.

So, to the above who were interested, if you have any questions/requests, just PM me and I'll
accommodate ya.  :icon_thumright:
Awww! Come on! Do you not believe what you're saying? Do you not believe the evidence of your senses? Do you not trust your understanding of guitar design/construction/finishing/playability/value/etc.?

What's the worst thing that could happen? Somebody disagrees with you? Somebody exposes their ignorance or intolerance? I can't see how that hurts you.

Remember: if you keep your mouth shut, the terrorists win. Think of the children! <grin>
A review is a subjective view trying to be objective. You express what you think of the guitar. Look at movie critics, most stuff they think is bad I think kicks ass. Maybe they just don't see it as I do, who knows, but that's how the world spins. I like it, they don't.
If someone doesn't like your review, screw them. I want to see a review!
Whaaaaaaaaat??????? SuperLizard not wanting to voice his opinion???????

OK, who hi-jacked his account??????????


BTW, post it up. We can all agree to disagree.  :laughing7:
Thx for the support guys, but really - it ain't about "so and so is gonna disagree".

When have you known me to let someone disagreeing stop me?  :laughing11:

Doing it this way ensures that I don't waste my efforts... it gets tiresome.
How would your efforts be wasted? There are clearly people here who are interested in what you have to say. Those who don't care won't read it. By your own admission, you don't care about those who disagree. So, where's the harm?


Don't make me pull this car over, because I'll turn right around and we'll go STRAIGHT HOME!
I'm curious what ya gotta say about these instruments.  I've read a bunch of different reviews on-line, but on-line reviews if you don't know the reviewer are pretty useless. 

Can't say that I know ya all that well SL, but I know you'll deliver the skinny as you see it.

controversy....rocks!  I should know...HA :laughing7:

Besides...i am VERY interested.  I have heard many good things...and those things rock.....

check this out...$299...
You haven't been listening:  

Dumbsh!ts get nothing; people who are truly interested get something.

I'm not changing my mind - you wanna find out what an agile is all about,
you have two choices if I'm involved:

1) get up off your lazy ass and buy one like I did (then do your own public review - HAH)

2) PM me with questions

I'm keepin' things exclusive.
Changed my mind. Put me in your dumbshit category.

No longer interested in what you have to say.
Patrick from Davis said:
What is the point of this thread?  These things usually don't escape me, but I missed the memo on this one.

The point of this thread is thus:

- When I got my Agile, I said I would do a review

- In between then and now, I witnessed the typical asinine board behavior
  by select individuals - let's just say "it got old - too old"

- Being a man of my word, I decided that I would offer said review, but
  only to those who showed true interest

It's the simple philosophy of "don't feed pearls to swine".