
AA Ron or……….

I guess that's (slightly?) better than "Cheney-weenie", which is what I was called from 2nd grade through the day the Key & Peele skit "Subsitute Teacher" aired.
Ya, I hear ya. I always really enjoyed "Cary the Fairy" more than you could ever know
In first grade, Catholic school, we had to practice writing our initials over and over again on that blue lined paper. Well, my initials are DO, so the entire page was DO DO DO…

Fellow students started teasing me “Doo Doo, Doo, Doo” etc. Well, sister Mary Jerome (yes I remember her name) came over and said, “Don, your last name has a capital O and a capital C (Irish name O’C), you can sign your initials DOC.” I’ve been signing my initials as DOC ever since and have been known as Doc since then. If ya zoom in on the Primo build above and look at the headstock, there it is.
Or some first grade nitwit saying, "Your name is Dick!" And you say no, my name is Rick, and even if it was Dick, you're saying like it's not a name, and you keep it up I'll punch your face. Kept it up, and later that night my Dad gave me a beer. Kicked out of school in the first grade for a week and got a beer. Miss my Dad.
In first grade, Catholic school, we had to practice writing our initials over and over again on that blue lined paper. Well, my initials are DO, so the entire page was DO DO DO…

Fellow students started teasing me “Doo Doo, Doo, Doo” etc. Well, sister Mary Jerome (yes I remember her name) came over and said, “Don, your last name has a capital O and a capital C (Irish name O’C), you can sign your initials DOC.” I’ve been signing my initials as DOC ever since and have been known as Doc since then. If ya zoom in on the Primo build above and look at the headstock, there it is.
Rick you were a badass even back then!
My seven year-old self handled the world differently. I was also kicked out of pre-school for being too unruly. Kept throwing paint and clay against the wall cause it looked better on the wall and was more fun. Later on I worked at the Bronx Zoo and saw the Gorillas throwing feces at the patrons and I understood.