
A sneak preview

Rumor has it Esteban plays La Cabronita Especials...

DslDwg said:
Gregg - speaking of new versions of Tele's - would be nice to see this as a Tele. headstock option!  :headbang1: - My name is Geoff and I'm a non-traditional Tele. addict.


Hands down, the ugliest headstock I've ever seen in all my life. :sad:
And I've complained about many headstocks, as you all well know.
line6man said:
DslDwg said:
Gregg - speaking of new versions of Tele's - would be nice to see this as a Tele. headstock option!  :headbang1: - My name is Geoff and I'm a non-traditional Tele. addict.


Hands down, the ugliest headstock I've ever seen in all my life. :sad:
And I've complained about many headstocks, as you all well know.
It's definitely not one of the top on the list, but I've seen worse....

No offense to Trev.... :icon_biggrin:
pabloman said:
It needs a .................

I was thinking it would be totally killer to take the Gretsch vibe on on a La Cabronita and add a Bigsby and finish it in green flake......
Wyliee said:
pabloman said:
It needs a .................

I was thinking it would be totally killer to take the Gretsch vibe on on a La Cabronita and add a Bigsby and finish it in green flake......
Bigsby would be nice, but I'd quite like to see one with a "G" tailpiece....
I was looking at a La Cabronita body in the Showcase and a La Cabronita in Sweet Water's Guitar Gallery...

Then decided to line up pictures of both in Photoshop and slide the opacity around to compare them.


                               *hit esc if this is making you nauseous*

From what I could see, after a few minutes of scale adjust and pan tool, some things looked a little off:

  • The "router hump" on the Warmoth isn't quite as pronounced as on the Fender.
  • The whole lower horn on the W may be smaller than on the F.
  • Where the bass-side bout meets the neck, there's a little less material cut away on the pricier guitar.
  • The oblong back cover looks a little bigger on the Warmoth than on the axe it's based.
  • There are no string ferrule counter bores on the Showcase body.

Also, does an American Standard hardtail bridge fit a Warmoth "narrow spaced hardtail bridge" rout?

Please note: These are not gripes. I'd like to make a Warmoth La Cabronita Tele some day and have questions.
line6man said:
DslDwg said:
Gregg - speaking of new versions of Tele's - would be nice to see this as a Tele. headstock option!  :headbang1: - My name is Geoff and I'm a non-traditional Tele. addict.


Hands down, the ugliest headstock I've ever seen in all my life. :sad:
And I've complained about many headstocks, as you all well know.

And that Sir.... Is why I love it!  :headbang1:
DangerousR6 said:
line6man said:
DslDwg said:
Gregg - speaking of new versions of Tele's - would be nice to see this as a Tele. headstock option!  :headbang1: - My name is Geoff and I'm a non-traditional Tele. addict.


Hands down, the ugliest headstock I've ever seen in all my life. :sad:
And I've complained about many headstocks, as you all well know.
It's definitely not one of the top on the list, but I've seen worse....

No offense to Trev.... :icon_biggrin:

That's actually where the John 5 headstock came from. The old Maverick and twelve string headstock.
Biggus Pickus said:
I was looking at a La Cabronita body in the Showcase and a La Cabronita in Sweet Water's Guitar Gallery...

Then decided to line up pictures of both in Photoshop and slide the opacity around to compare them.


                               *hit esc if this is making you nauseous*

From what I could see, after a few minutes of scale adjust and pan tool, some things looked a little off:

  • The "router hump" on the Warmoth isn't quite as pronounced as on the Fender.
  • The whole lower horn on the W may be smaller than on the F.
  • Where the bass-side bout meets the neck, there's a little less material cut away on the pricier guitar.
  • The oblong back cover looks a little bigger on the Warmoth than on the axe it's based.
  • There are no string ferrule counter bores on the Showcase body.

Also, does an American Standard hardtail bridge fit a Warmoth "narrow spaced hardtail bridge" rout?

Please note: These are not gripes. I'd like to make a Warmoth La Cabronita Tele some day and have questions.
Nice work on the overlay Biggus. At Warmoth, the ferrule holes in the back are counter bored for ferrules just before it ships so that if the body gets a finish from us, we can do it after the finish for a cleaner ferrule fit. As for the the other attributes, I wouldn't be surprised if there are small differences between Warmoth and Fender as there are differences from Fender to Fender. Different woods, sanding and different finishes all play a combined role in the final outcome of any body build. Also, just the lighting from picture to picture will enhance or mute some features over others making it tougher to get an exact comparison. For someone that digs that body style though, I would say it is nicely in the zone. :icon_thumright:
the john5 tele headstock is lightyears better than the normal one.
the cabronita seems to be just like the vintage tele to my untrained eye.
AutoBat said:
the john5 tele headstock is lightyears better than the normal one.
the cabronita seems to be just like the vintage tele to my untrained eye.

it is more like a fictional vintage tele really... a combination of a snakehead (tele prototype) and an esquire..without the traditional tele bridgeplate.
Gregg said:
Nice work on the overlay Biggus. At Warmoth, the ferrule holes in the back are counter bored for ferrules just before it ships so that if the body gets a finish from us, we can do it after the finish for a cleaner ferrule fit. As for the the other attributes, I wouldn't be surprised if there are small differences between Warmoth and Fender as there are differences from Fender to Fender. Different woods, sanding and different finishes all play a combined role in the final outcome of any body build. Also, just the lighting from picture to picture will enhance or mute some features over others making it tougher to get an exact comparison. For someone that digs that body style though, I would say it is nicely in the zone. :icon_thumright:

Yeah, I figured that's what it was. If they all get a hand sanding, they're all gonna be different.

Good to know about the ferrules too. I've always liked 'em flush mounted, so I'm glad you're offering the vintage style bodies.

I think the hard part now is deciding what color to get one in.