
A new family member

The Norwegian Guy

Hero Member
When I got home from the army a couple of days ago, my dad surprised me with a Gibson ES-335 Custom Shop!
It sounds amazing, and I just love it!

Pics coming up when I find my camera :icon_thumright:
Now that is the feel good story of the day.  He must be very proud of you. Congrats to both of you. :headbang:
I don't care what anyone may say, I think Gibson still wins the "classic" finish award - they have a zillion variants on "---burst" and they're all lovely. Garish lizardbursts and whatnot might be scary to wake up to... :o
knucklehead G said:
BigBeard said:
Geez my old man won't buy me a cup of coffee these days....  :-\

Hell, I owe mine money.

Killer guitar!

that's probably why my old man won't even spot for a cup of joe.  In fact now that I think about it, the last few times me and the old man went out for a bite I picked up the tab, and knowing him, he probably has a register of all the money I owe him and he takes his part of the bill off of my tab.

Just kidding my old man isn't THAT bad.....
The Norwegian Guy said:
When I got home from the army a couple of days ago, my dad surprised me with a Gibson ES-335 Custom Shop!
It sounds amazing, and I just love it!

Pics coming up when I find my camera :icon_thumright:

Your Dad bought you a 335? Can I be adopted? :laughing7:

But, but, but......... it has F-Holes. What about the comment under your avatar? :laughing7:

Great looking burst 335. Enjoy!
335 is the only geetar in the world that is allowed to look good with F-holes! It invented the F-holes, so I'm fine with it!

But seriously... On any other guitar - I don't think F-holes look too good.
The Norwegian Guy said:
335 is the only geetar in the world that is allowed to look good with F-holes! It invented the F-holes, so I'm fine with it!

But seriously... On any other guitar - I don't think F-holes look too good.
Many violins, cellos, basses, violas, archtops, and tons of other stringed instruments disagree with you
The Norwegian Guy said:
335 is the only geetar in the world that is allowed to look good with F-holes! It invented the F-holes, so I'm fine with it!

But seriously... On any other guitar - I don't think F-holes look too good.

*cough* There were plenty of other guitars before the ES-335, with F-Holes.

If it really worries you that you have a guitar with F-Holes, I would be happy to pay for postage of 'offending' guitar to my home.... :icon_thumright: :laughing7:

How's the Strat build going?

hehe, I know, I know :glasses9:

The body is still at Tonar's place for final rubbing :)
I think I'll probably have the guitar done in two or three months from now :)
...hopefully :)