
22th of July 2011 - The day that changed Norway as we knew it.

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Your elfro-quote made me sick, pablo.

A great thanks everyone that sent their thoughts and kind words in this desperate situation.

I wanted to make understanding for this topic, because I see international media formulating the case in a different way than what norwegian media has (which has the best sources, and direct contact with police and government). It turned out that it was hard for certain people to stay on topic. And that is very sad.

Thanks to those who understand.
pabloman said:
While I understand the need to share feelings and seek sympathy this was a politically motivated event. Since politics are taboo then anything political should be considered taboo as well. Of course there will be some discussion, after all this is a forum. I too find it odd that children are being groomed towards a political party. If the subject matter is too sensitive for the OP to deal with perhaps this isn't the proper avenue for such a posting. Such things should probably be handled in private. When you post to a forum there are many different people and beliefs and viewpoints and personal experiences. As nice as it would be, especially in a time of sorrow, opinions will not always be the same. The way I am taking it is this thread is intended to be little more than a get well soon card. That is fine but the door is opened for commentary. It sucks that with a heavy heart here is a little more poop for the plate.  :dontknow: You just cant expect to dictate the posts made on a forum. It sets yourself up for frustration.

The OP has locked the thread, but I'm going to add my own $0.02 here.

I've seen more than a few posts along the lines of. "If you can't stand hearing my opinion, then you should grow a pair or get out of the forums." or "I'm going to say what I think and you can pound sand if you don't like it."  This needs to be addressed.

The forum is not unlike a giant house party and I'm one of the hosts.  At any large gathering, there are bound to be animated discussions.  As long as we treat each other respectfully, they usually work out well in the end.  There are also boundaries in any social setting; like throwing a drink on someone, hitting on someone's significant other, etc.....  Folks that cannot be respectful or stay within the boundaries are shown the door.  Depending on the offense, they may have the crap beat out of them and then shown the front yard.

The attitude of "I'm going to say what I think and the rest of you can STFU." puts a real damper on the party and it needs to stop.  My observation is those most likely to offend are quite bright and educated, so I expect you know what you're doing when you do it.  Here's my advice: If you know you're comments are going to be offensive (and particularly if it is politically motivated) think twice about posting.  Rather than expecting everyone else to deal with your brutal honesty and strong opinions, think about the fallout your comments will generate.  If you simply lack this sensitivity or are unable to follow forum guidelines, seek out another forum to post on.
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