
2 normal pots, 2 pushpush pots


Hero Member
I have for a les paul 2 normal pots and 2 push push pots. one volume and one tone, per pickup, thats logical. but how should I wire it with the dpdt switches?

for each pickup coiltap?
Or coiltap for both on one pot and on the other series/parallel, when both or on,
Or Coiltap for bot on one pot and on the other phase?
Or perhaps just parallel/series on one, and on the other a phase-switch.
It depends on what type of sounds you're trying to get; what kind of pickups are you using? Some pickups do not have enough output to sound real good when tapped in single coil config and might sound better if you switched them into series/parallel modes
jackthehack said:
It depends on what type of sounds you're trying to get; what kind of pickups are you using? Some pickups do not have enough output to sound real good when tapped in single coil config and might sound better if you switched them into series/parallel modes

its actually for 2 guitars, with the same setup.

one guitar gets a JB/jazz set, and the other a rio grande tx/bbq set (4 conductor, all 4 pickups). I want pure versatility in both guitars...
The Rio Grande TX/BBQ set are hot enough to tap single coil and sound OK, as is the SD JB bridge PU.  The Jazz sounds too "thin" to me coil tapped, for the SD Jazz/JB set you might think about using one tap to coil tap the JB and the other to put both PUs in series or parallel.
What do you play?  You could do a volume boost if you play metal, maybe a treble boost if you play rock... if you play funk obviously do phase, if you play blues maybe series/parallel...  there's a billion things you could do and it all depends what sounds you want.
dbw said:
What do you play?  You could do a volume boost if you play metal, maybe a treble boost if you play rock... if you play funk obviously do phase, if you play blues maybe series/parallel...  there's a billion things you could do and it all depends what sounds you want.

I play everything, from jazz to heavy metal.

the comment that a jazz doesnt sound good splitted gives me enough info on that one. thanks!