12th fret dot spacing on Mustang necks


Senior Member
I noticed some of the older Mustang necks in the showcase had narrow dot spacing...



...while all the current ones have wide dot spacing.



Why is this?
It's actually an optical illusion, see.

If you reverse the top and bottom, then put them together side by side, you'll see this quite clearly.
Superlizard said:
It's actually an optical illusion, see.

If you reverse the top and bottom, then put them together side by side, you'll see this quite clearly.

No, this is an optical illusion.


There are no black dots in the image above. :icon_scratch:

But about the Mustang necks... Is the dot spacing a stealth option (not on the website) or is wide dot spacing the only way they come now?

I should probably call and ask, but I figured Warmoth employees read this board and other folks might want to know what's up. I'm planning a new Duo-Sonic II build BTW and would like the narrow dot spacing if they still offer it.
bigguspickus said:
But about the Mustang necks... Is the dot spacing a stealth option (not on the website) or is wide dot spacing the only way they come now?

I honestly don't know... thought I'd grace this thread with some "Nigelspeak", is all.
Just called and they only do the wide dot spacing on Mustang necks  :(  which kinda kills my Duo-Sonic II project.

Sorry if I'm being too picky, but I thought they made custom parts. ???
bigguspickus said:
Just called and they only do the wide dot spacing on Mustang necks  :(  which kinda kills my Duo-Sonic II project.

Sorry if I'm being too picky, but I thought they made custom parts. ???

They do make custom parts. But they state right on their page that the inlays are pretty much set in stone.
Get no dots.  It's not expensive to have a luthier install some.  My luthier charges 60 to replace face AND side dots with abalone, less if there were none to begin with and even less with no frets.

All Mustang necks up to about 5 months ago were laid out and drilled by hand by a guy that has worked her for 28 years =(expensive). When we went to the CNC drilling more accurate and consistant dots we did away with the vintage spacing on Mustang no one noticed and seemed to care when we drilled to vintage specs. If you really want vintage spaced dots we can do it by hand for +$45.00.

Red Rocks said:
All Mustang necks up to about 5 months ago were laid out and drilled by hand by a guy that has worked her for 28 years =(expensive). When we went to the CNC drilling more accurate and consistant dots we did away with the vintage spacing on Mustang no one noticed and seemed to care when we drilled to vintage specs. If you really want vintage spaced dots we can do it by hand for +$45.00.


Sounds like a reasonable upcharge, and thanks for the reply.  :)
