
12th fret again


Epic Member
Ya know... considering the level of automation that W is famous for, and considering there are companies out there that supply very close tolorance inlays of all type.  Be great to have a "your initials" at fret 12 option. 
But the there's the matter of choosing what font will be available.

I tend to think initials (though not nearly as bad as names) look a little silly on guitars. :confused4:
yes, but to each his own. besides, even if it isnt your initials, i wouldnt mind having that famous W at the 12th.  :icon_thumright: oh yeah!
I knew that idea was implanted in my mind from somewhere...

I checked the old post out -- Nonsense tele tossed that idea out many moons ago, and yeah, it's a great one.
Alfang said:
CB - Can you recommend someone?  link?

For precision inlay?  Oh yeah!


For inlay work... Bill Nichols is "da man" and I've had him do some inlay for me in the past - intentionally "dumbing down" his work to match the ambiance of the instrument the inlay was going with.




-CB- said:
For inlay work... Bill Nichols is "da man" and I've had him do some inlay for me in the past - intentionally "dumbing down" his work to match the ambiance of the instrument the inlay was going with.




CB I'm assuming those two are pieces he did for you? If it isnt too rude to ask, around how much does his work cost? (I've never had any custom inlay done, and honestly haven't the slightest idea how much art of this sort costs)
No, those were pictures from his website.

I've had inlay work done by him, and for a gold mop Ictheus inlaid over a white mop cross, on ebony, was  $75

The bottom one.. I'd estimate at about $75-100.  Top one, probably double that.  The pictures dont do them justice, because its litereally a no-gap fit of the inlay, no filler glued and such used (except for accent where called for).

The pickguard work is about the same price.  Give Bill a shout, he's a great guy, responds to all email, delivers... pretty quickly, but know he has a huge backorder... I think my trc's were.. six weeks wait.