Recent content by thebassdocter

  1. T

    500k and 250k???

    Whats the difference?
  2. T

    J Bass body and Warmoth neck?

    ya sorry they moved this from another folder, thanx
  3. T

    What pickups??

    Hey, so im thinking about mixing a music man bridge pickup with a regular single coil neck. I'm using the single coil neck because I want a pickguard and all the pickguards only fit single coils. Here are my questions 1. Is a single Music Man neck pickup good? 2. Will mixing a Music Man bridge...
  4. T

    J Bass body and Warmoth neck?

    Im buying a Dinky J Bass body. Will a Warmoth Angled 2+2 neck fit with it?
  5. T

    J Bass compatible with Warmoth neck?

    Hey, Im planning on ordering a J Bass body, I was just wondering if the Angled Warmoth 2+2 Bass Neck BN1683 is compatible with a J Bass body. thanx