
Recent content by Killswitch95

  1. Killswitch95

    CBS Stealth Strat Update #2

    I've got a video running through the 6 tones the guitar offers at a relatively clean-ish level...
  2. Killswitch95

    VOTE HERE! September 2022 Guitar of the Month Contest

    Competition was fierce against those beauties not gonna lie and a tie is fitting as between them even I couldn't pick a favorite...
  3. Killswitch95

    September 2022 Guitar of the Month Submissions

    I've got a link to the Strat post detailing the build process along the way with additional pics as well.
  4. Killswitch95

    CBS Stealth Strat Update #2

    4 words: I Suck At Wiring... lol.
  5. Killswitch95

    CBS Stealth Strat Update #2

    So I know they advertise it as clear under low tunings, so with that in mind I got it for clarity and figured it would be high output, so bright and crystal clear in E standard or Half Step Down tunings... I've had some humbuckers even in E Standard just be mud with distortion regardless and...
  6. Killswitch95

    CBS Stealth Strat Update #2

    Right, like if you're gonna do it do it all the way... Thanks!
  7. Killswitch95

    CBS Stealth Strat Update #2

    OKAY Now I get that reference, very clever...
  8. Killswitch95

    Warmoth Holo Strat... 7 Months In The Making...

    Yeah I saw one in a video on some YT channel that was promoting their store and one of their guitars had one on it, and coming from previous experience with an Ibanez with the edge system I realized fishing around for a specific key for a specific guitar is a pain... Very nifty thing to have...
  9. Killswitch95

    CBS Stealth Strat Update #2

    Yes it was, and I have a second one, but either I prepped the headstock wrong, or the adhesive is bad and it didn't want to stick after drying, so I'm keeping the second one around and thinking about having a custom sticker made like the plasti-sticker warmoth with turtle decal stickers because...
  10. Killswitch95

    Best neck profile for scalloped? (And all other scalloped fretboard discussion)

    I went with standard thin and SS 6115 peaked jumbo frets, the standard thin is thinner than my squires neck, but thicker than my ibanez's wizard, it's actually a good in between that is thin, but allows for scalloping unlike the wizard... As for if they're a gimmick or not it depends on what...
  11. Killswitch95

    CBS Stealth Strat Update #2

    Finally got some good sun for some good pics... Decided to remove the headstock decal...
  12. Killswitch95

    Warmoth Holo Strat... 7 Months In The Making...

    Sun was out today, and I got some much better photos of the build... This one is out of focus because my camera couldn't decide which spot to focus on...
  13. Killswitch95

    Warmoth Holo Strat... 7 Months In The Making...

    It took seven months for the parts to get here because the neck had to be remake, but finally, it's put together... It's a cloudy overcast day so the Holo Flake isn't popping like it does during sunlight, but when I get those pictures I'll add them in later... Body: - 1 Piece...
  14. Killswitch95

    CBS Stealth Strat Update #2

    We're nearing the end, got the neck today and did assembly on it, all that's left is to string it, test it, set it up, then we're rocking... Last update with the body complete... The headstock decal is of course aftermarket, always liked the big CBS era headstock and logo and...