Recent content by Brent Gable

  1. B

    VOTE HERE: September 2013 Guitar of the Month contest

    The sonic blue Tele is, in my humble opinion...yummy. Nice work Pete.
  2. B

    Burnishing Raw Necks

    Interesting subject. It reminds me of when I was growing up and we had a pool table. As my brothers and I got more proficient at the game my dad would buy us better and better pool cues. The better the cue the less finish seemed to be on it and the slicker they were to shoot with. At some point...
  3. B

    VOTE HERE! July 2013 Guitar of the Month

    Hey can you post a link to the build thread? Thanks
  4. B

    VOTE HERE! July 2013 Guitar of the Month

    Congrats Ddbltrbl, you deserved it. Beautiful guitar!
  5. B

    Walnut Jazzmaster/Jazzcaster/Other

    Hey, I'm pretty new here and just found your thread. Love, love, love the neck. The body looks sweet too, but how's the weight? Some Walnut is lighter than others so I'm just curious. Hopefully you'll find some time to get back to it soon. Not sure if I missed it but have you chosen a pick guard?
  6. B

    Building the Imperfect Beast. Otherwise known as the Gable Jazzblaster.

    Here is a video I made the first day I had it to the point of being able to plug and play. Still hadn't done the black burst. I recorded it on an ipad so the audio isn't great but you can get a hint of the way the pickups sound anyway.
  7. B

    July 2013 Guitar of the Month Contest Submissions

    He's probably like most humans, good days and bad days. Be glad we aren't all celebrities or we'd have to deal with every moment of our lives getting blown out of proportion right?
  8. B

    Building the Imperfect Beast. Otherwise known as the Gable Jazzblaster.

    New neck finally arrives and tailpiece and bridge installed.
  9. B

    Building the Imperfect Beast. Otherwise known as the Gable Jazzblaster.

    Thanks for the info I actually have a photobucket account already. Nice to know.
  10. B

    Building the Imperfect Beast. Otherwise known as the Gable Jazzblaster.

    Thanks StübHead I could have used these a few months ago. They are bookmarked now though!
  11. B

    Building the Imperfect Beast. Otherwise known as the Gable Jazzblaster.

    OK can anyone tell me why all of my pics look like thumbnail attachments? What am I doing wrong here?