
You want to have a heart attack?

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Hero Member
A gallon of Seagrave's Lacquer from LMI cost $149.96 shipped to my door. OUCH!!!! Let me say that again $149.96. And on top of that I have to go to Nevada to get decent Lacquer Thinner and Retarder because the California VOC compliant stuff is not worth the match it would take to make it explode.  :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

This might be the first time these words have ever been typed, but here goes: it's actually cheaper at StewMac. A gallon of Seagraves at StewMac is only $120, although it'll be delivered in quart cans. They're never the price leader, so a little shopping will undoubtedly return better results. The Behlen stuff is cheaper still, but it comes pre-thinned so it's not quite the bargain it seems on the surface (no pun intended).
As an Australian who has wanted to get into finishing... :sad:

I've actually been looking at Automotive finishes. One year I'll get into it...
I had an ECG done today, fortunately its all clear but the thread title sort of gave pause for thought this morning.

How many bodies would a gallon of finish do and is it profitable to do them I suppose is the real question. I know what you mean about prices they seem to keep going up and income remains relatively stagnant.
Reason #3,295 for having a can of naphtha around the house: to clean the glue off your chest that those pesky ECG sensors leave on your skin  :laughing7:

Hope your heart is not a cause for concern.

Depending on your painting skiills/habits, a gallon of lacquer is good for 3 to 5 solid body finishes.

Typically, with lacquer, the cost of materials for a finish isn't how you decide whether to pursue that on your own or have it done. It's the amount of labor involved. Lacquer is one of the more labor and time intensive finishes you can apply. That's why nearly all manufacturers have gone to polyurethane. It's almost a "shoot it and forget it" finish, while lacquer is a shoot it, do some surface prep, wait, shoot it again, do some surface prep, wait, shoot it again, do some surface prep, wait, shoot it again, for some number of coats, then wait a long time and do some more intensive surface conditioning before you have a finished product. Costs a lotta hours.
Its all good I have had some well man tests I think you would call it and the heart and everything else checked out OK. Ive been losing a bit of weight over the last few weeks and feeling a lot healthier. I need to keep it up though.

Cagey said:
This might be the first time these words have ever been typed, but here goes: it's actually cheaper at Stewmac.
Ain't that the truth. They carry a BUNCH of hard to find stuff, but cheap they ain't! I go the their site quite frequently to scout out ideas, but I only buy from them when absolutely necessary.

stratamania said:
Its all good I have had some well man tests I think you would call it and the heart and everything else checked out OK.
That's good to hear. I can tell you from experience that cardiac bypass surgery is no fun! Stay well.
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