
WTB: Bridge humbucker


Hero Member
I'm looking for a bridge pickup. I have this guitar that I just cant get on with. It's a hybrid strat. I'm getting really close to sending it down the road. It might be destined for an EMG setup. That'll probably be the final shot if nothing pans out. So help me out. Whatcha got?.
“There are 125 sheep and 5 dogs in a flock.  How old is the shepherd?”*

Answer that and I'll tell you what humbucker to put there.
That's what you get for having a kid they're trying to stuff "common core" math into. You're going to have to teach him yourself or he'll never know the difference between numbers and turnips. Also, dogs don't come in flocks. They come in packs  :laughing7:

Oh believe me avoidance common core was a big criteria in school selection. That actually is a math problem from a French research paper and given to elementary school students. The correct answer is "There is not enough information" but most people try to solve it anyway because they're scared they were sleeping in that part of class or something. 

My point should be obvious now.
Cagey said:
You're going to have to teach him yourself or he'll never know the difference between numbers and turnips.

I totally had to reteach my kid. I have a math degree, the guidelines are actually fine for the common core, but common sense seems to have been missing when they made up the new curriculum as a result.

Sure I have humbuckers but they’re only the ones I pulled out because I thought I would like the ones I replaced them with better, so without more information I have no idea why they would suit you or your ears better than mine.
So I've had a Suhr SSH+ and a SSV+ that didn't really do it for me. I've also had a Duncan SH14 Custom 5 Alnico. They all seemed very sterile. Too polite. For whatever reason I'm really trying to avoid a JB. The wiring is good. All components have been tested. The guitar is an alder strat hybrid with a roasted maple neck. It has a Gotoh Tele humbucker bridge.
So you want me to sell you a bridge pickup that will give more color to your sound?  Don't have one, but I can recommend you start your search looking at pups with more output, maybe it's called Henries?, then what you have now.  With the increase in output, generally, I've found I get more harmonics and more bass response.  Of course, you have to play louder, if that's a consideration.  Most manufactures post this information on their websites, so start there ...

Also, you should be looking at your whole signal chain, starting with your speaker.  Are you using something like an eminence swamp thing, which to my ear doesn't color the sound at all, which I love because I can process the sound before it hits the speaker, or a eminence canibis rex which  sort of smooths the sound.

I like using a clear speaker and tweaking, rather than the other way because you can't tweak what isn't there.

That said, the other night I was playing a stock vox 30 2x12 and it colored the upper mids with a wonderful complexity.  It was so nice.
Did someone say...


I had a Bartolini humbucker in the late 80's that was specifically selected for midrange raunch. I wish I could remember what it was and couldn't figure out from their current offerings.  I might look for EVH flavored offerings, whether you're a fan or not. They seem to be mildly hotter than PAF with some bite but not muddy.
Sounds like a trip to Guitar Fetish might be in order for you.
Perhaps, their VEH humbucker would be the best of both worlds for you.
I don't even bother mentioning GFS once people start spitting out names like Lollar and stuff but...

I'm a big fan. Love my Memphis' pickups. Memphis with stainless strings into a JCM 800 (11 rack) works quite well for me thanks.
swarfrat said:
I don't even bother mentioning GFS once people start spitting out names like Lollar and stuff but...
I'm a big fan. Love my Memphis' pickups. Memphis with stainless strings into a JCM 800 (11 rack) works quite well for me thanks.

Same here. I suspect whoever makes their stuff (if it's not them) private labels many of the others on the market. The quality and performance is high, and I've never been disappointed.
So I think I figured out my pickup issue. I went ahead and ordered a Gibson 498T. It may be a special edition or something because it comes packaged in a Firebird Studio! I'll know on Thursday. :bananaguitar: