

Re-Pete said:
Cagey said:
Right. That's why Taylor decided to buy into the whole thing. Such waste was inexcusable. Those trees take forever to grow, so just laying them to waste was a serious crime against nature. There's little difference in feel between streaky Ebony and black Ebony, so if you have to, dye it. No reason to waste it just because it's not "pure" black. Beside that, as we've seen, there's a lot to be said for the streaky stuff. Some of it is incredibly attractive.

I have a penchant for all black ebony fretboards if I choose to go ebony. But I can appreciate Bob Taylor's views on the above video. Dying a streaked ebony board is not a crime. Wasting it to rot is.

I dunno, I mean do what you will, but I got that last neck in Jan. and I specified just ebony on the builder.

The one I got was REAL dark, all I had to do was oil it and it blacked out, I understand that Massacar has much larger streaking in it, but at the same time I find it beautiful in its own right.
The "tradition" thing is ample proof that beauty is in the programming of the biocomputer, and NOT intrinsic fo sho. And it runs both ways - there has become some sort of real zoodly cowabunging about acoustic guitars with a two-piece back that has two matching streaks of "sapwood" surrounding the join in the middle of the back. It looks awful to me - like there wasn't enough "good" wood to make the back correctly - but somehow or another, it "caught" and now the acoustickers are doing backflips trying to outzoodle each other with the sappiest of sapwoods - weird. If somebody tried to sell formica that looked like THIS, they'd be (soy-based) tar and (imitation)feathered and run out of town on a (recycled) rail.

Late to the party, but that neck is a work of art!!! Congratulations Kostas, and thanks for sharing it with us Tonar.  :o
There are some pieces that I wish you all had the opportunity to see in person and this thing is at the top of the list. The ebony skunk stripe looks like a black mirror! The gloss is exceptional on the flame, I'll end with the way I started and say it backwards. WOW!!


That is one helluva piece of curly!

Did you do anything to bring out the figure or is that how it came?
I think you mean a gay softball team, if there is such a thing. Ladies don't "flame", they're just naturally flamboyant. Unlike most species, human females are the show-offs <grin>

Reminds me, though, of a time long ago. We lived near a park that had a lotta baseball diamonds and it was always fun to grab a 12-pack or case of Budweiser and go watch the girls play softball. They'd end up with what sounded like junior basketball scores "We won! 36 to 25!" but it was good for a lotta laughs and you got half-assed drunk within walking distance of home.
Cagey said:
Unlike most species, human females are the show-offs <grin>

Indeed; anyone remember this gem from the Broadway musical Hair:

"I would just like to say
that it is my conviction
that longer hair and other flamboyent affectations
of appearance are nothing more
than the male's emergence
from his drab camoflauge into the gaudy plummage
that is the birthright of his sex.
There is a peculiar notion that elegant plummage
and fine feathers are not proper for the man
when actually that is the way things are
in most species."

Lovely little ditty.
Cagey said:
I think you mean a gay softball team, if there is such a thing. Ladies don't "flame", they're just naturally flamboyant. Unlike most species, human females are the show-offs <grin>

Reminds me, though, of a time long ago. We lived near a park that had a lotta baseball diamonds and it was always fun to grab a 12-pack or case of Budweiser and go watch the girls play softball. They'd end up with what sounded like junior basketball scores "We won! 36 to 25!" but it was good for a lotta laughs and you got half-assed drunk within walking distance of home.

When I lived in Kansas City, a good friend of mine coached a girls fast-pitch softball team.  It was a lot of fun to pack up a few brews and watch them battle it out.  Some of those gals were quite muscular and threw a pretty mean ball.  Be it male or female fast pitch, you have to be kinda crazy to play those first and third base positions...