Okay, man, good luck on this one. I would never have a guitar I couldn't play sitting down, but it's your dream, so who cares about what I think.
You could modify your design so that you could use a Warmoth body blank and that would really ease your burden, because you could get the neck pocket, pups, and bridge routed for you. The biggest issue is the ends of your 'v' should not come above the top of the neck pocket. Check out the pic of a body blank and try to trace your design over that, it doesn't look like you'd have to move the 'v' ends that much at all. Then it's the question of getting a nice bandsaw and cutting it out, once you've got Warmoth to do the routing. Then, I think Willyk has the better idea for the controls (except he's reversed the whole thing for some reason so it's unplayable!) as CB mentioned. Making your own rear-rout control cavities wouldn't be as tough as routing the neck pocket and pickguards I guess.
Please let us know if this ever gets made, we'd absolutely want to see it.