
Would a 1-piece Maple neck work on a Mahogany Strat body?


Junior Member
Hey guys,

I have a Mahogany Strat body arriving soon.
I didn't plan on buying it - it just happened!

Anyway, I guess a Mahogany/RW neck would be best on a Mahogany body (at least, that's what John Suhr recommends), but
how about an all-Maple neck?
Anyone played a guitar like that?
Would that work with cool results or would that produce 'fighting frequencies' or a 'weird sound' or whatever?

P.s. I'm not trying to get die-hard Start tone. More like something cool for Rock and Blues-Rock.
I already have many Alder Strats with Maple necks, Maple/RW necks or all-RW necks and thought about getting something different.

What do you think?

(Btw, it is a hardtail Strat body with dual humbuckers)
You accidentally a whole strat body? :icon_jokercolor:
We get that a lot around here! I don't do strats, but that sounds like a perfectly good combination to me.
Yeah, saw a nice Mahogany body - and blacked out.
When I came to - it was purchased and my credit card was used...  :icon_biggrin:
That`s my last Warmoth build. I went the Charvel San Dimas Natural way. Music Zoo sells these.

It is an excelent Wood Combo. It has got a deep nice Growl !!! I absolutely love that Guitar. No weird frequencies at all. Warm Tone with good bite and attack.

You won`t be dissapointed if you plan to play Rock and Blues on that Combo.  :icon_thumright:  I use it for nearly everything.


Absolutely...I had a '89 Ibanez S540 that had Mahogany Body and Maple Neck and really loved ths tone....as prev stated...

greenmean said:
It is an excelent Wood Combo. It has got a deep nice Growl !!! No weird frequencies at all. Warm Tone with good bite and attack.

Oddly enough, I'm in the process of building out a Maple Board/Mahogany Body LP w/Floyd right now...

- 2 Piece Mahogany Body with Seymour Duncan 80's Pearly Gates (PGBJ)/1978 DiMarzio  SDS-1/Seymour Duncan JBJ (TB4J) to Gibson 500K Volume/Fender 5 Way Strat Selector Sambora Angled/Fender TBX Tone and an 80's OFR w/Screw In Bar in Black...


with one of these necks...




:headbang1: :headbang1: :headbang1: :headbang1: :headbang1:
Thanks a lot guys!
Sounds awesome! I guess my 80s Strat-clone 'San Dimas' style will start off now!

Great looking Strat btw, greenmean!

The LP also looks awesome! Looking forward to hearing how your project will turn out. Looks very interesting.

I don't think it will work. Maple necks are notoriously uppity, and they don't get along well with other woods - especially foreigners. You'll probably have to heavily sedate both just to get them on the same workbench together without a fist fight breaking out. I'd save yourself the trouble and just get a mahogany neck.
i have a Jackson PC-1 which is a mahogany body dinky with a maple neck and flamed maple fretboard. this is the only wood combo available for this geetar. this is the king daddy of Jacksons. yours will no doubt sound great.
dNA said:
I don't think it will work. Maple necks are notoriously uppity, and they don't get along well with other woods - especially foreigners. You'll probably have to heavily sedate both just to get them on the same workbench together without a fist fight breaking out. I'd save yourself the trouble and just get a mahogany neck.

Check this out:


My Warmoth sounds way better and was much cheaper. But, ssshhhh, don`t tell Colletti... :icon_biggrin: