Wooden Rorschach test!


Hero Member
What do you see in this stunning hunk of claro walnut burl? (photo from Larose Guitars' Instagram)


I see a big ol' scary lion. Hmm... Is that a sign that I should drop everything, head to the nearest zoo, and jump into the nearest lion pen to see if they'll accept me as one of their own??? Probably not.
I see a skull and crossbones in the fiery depths of hell. Maybe with a bunch of tortured souls clustered around it.
Here’s the pick-guard I found for my Tele. I see an Amazon sitting cross legged with giant lobster claws for hands.

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Wow, this claro walnut burl is absolutely breathtaking! The intricate patterns and rich colors create a mesmerizing visual experience. It's like nature's artwork captured in wood. I can't help but imagine the countless stories and journeys this piece could inspire. Truly remarkable craftsmanship from Larose Guitars!