wood hardness

which specific species of Mahogany? there is significant differences between each of the species commonly imported and sold in the US market

all the best,

For the record, basswood is like the instrument. Base-wood.

And then (as I understand it), pah-Dook. Emphasis second syllable
nathan a said:
For the record, basswood is like the instrument. Base-wood.
I always thought it was like the fish. Meriam-Webster agrees. :icon_smile:

Added Pau Ferro, removed Shedua due to lack of consensus and significance.
I see this is an old thread...but any thoughts on the hardness (or lack thereof) of the black korina. I saw a comment that one owner of black korina could dent it with his fingernail (I am assuming he meant without much effort). This makes me a bit nervous, though honestly most comments I've seen praise the woods great tone qualities...that I like! :)

Any way to help calm my concerns in this regard?

Thank you.